Getting Them Back

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The monsters jumped in the hearse with Griffin at the wheel, "Okay, okay, where am I going?" Dracula sat between him and Murray, determined to get them back, "The human world, before they're gone forever." Murray pointed to the sky, "But what about the sun?" Everyone glanced up to see the sun rising over the trees. They nervously turned to Drac as he stared at the sun in fear, "I don't know. I'll just have to roll." He finally answered, his eyes narrow.

"He just rolls. Rollability." Wayne spoke.

"So we follow their bootprints. When they run out, that's where you come in, Wayne."


"There!" Dracula shouts. They exited the hearse, and Dracula picked up a shirt, "Yes, I knew something would fall out of that backpack." He sniffs the shirt and reels back, "Yowch! That stinks! Work your magic." He holds the shirt in front of Wayne.

"Wait, you want me to track the smell? No. My sniffing tracking days are way behind me. Do you know how many diapers I've changed? How many number twos have destroyed this thing?" He points to his nose, "But..." Wayne gives an inaudible whistle. The sound of barking echoes in the forest. Frank, Griffin, and Murray stayed in the vehicle as Wayne's sons and daughter appeared. "Hey! Take it easy! Watch it!" Wayne tries to control his kids, "Sit," He takes the shirt from Dracula and holds it before them, "Smell. I said smell."

Two of Wayne's sons ran behind him, smelling him instead of the shirt, "Not me, the shirt! The shirt!"

"Do any of your kids still respect you?" Dracula requested. Wayne lowered his arm and processed the question, "Mm, give me a second. Oh, yeah. Winnie! Front and center!" He shouted, causing Dracula to jump. The wolf pups stopped, allowing Winnie to walk up to Wayne and Dracula with her binky, and continued their playing.

Winne spat out her binky and took a deep breath, "He got into a car. A '86 Fiat. It needs a little transmission work, but otherwise, okay. It drove through town to the airport. Flight 497. 8:00 a.m. departure."

"That's in 15 minutes." Dracula stammered.

Winne sniffed the shirt again, "Seat 23A. Kat is in 23B. He ordered the vegetarian meal. Carol stayed in a small cabin and didn't go with them."

"Okay, thank you, cutie." Dracula thanked the female pup before turning to the boys, "Now, all of you, go back to your mother!" They jumped back in the car and sped down the road. "She didn't go with them. What are we gonna do?" Frank asked worryingly. Dracula frowned, "We'll get her after getting Johnny and Kat." Dracula yelps, "Sheep!" Griffin swerved the vehicle and took a detour to another road, "High five! Don't leave me hanging."

Murray saw what was in front of them, "Lots of sheep!"

Griffin slams the brakes, and Wayne jumps out, "I got this one." Wayne growls and eats the sheep. Everyone in the hearse had their mouths open in shock as Wayne jumped back in and burped out some wool. They turn to Wayne with disgusted looks. "What? Now there's no sheep in the road. Let's go." Wayne spoke.

Murray frowned, "That was pretty sick, man."

"You eat lamb chops; it's the same thing. We don't have time for this. Come on, let's move it!" Wayne crossed his arms, ending the conversation. As they drove down the street, Griffin pointed to a figure on the road.

"Look, a human."

"Welcome to Transylvania!" The human shouted as they drove by, howling.

"That was trippy." Frank trailed off as the hearse reached the entrance of a human town. Wayne notices a sign on the wall of the city, "Monster Festival? What's a Monster Festival?" The monsters gapped as they continued down the road, seeing humans in costumes, "Did they know we were coming?" Murray ponders as two humans dressed as zombies groan in each other's faces. "They like us? Really?" Frank stares at a giant Frankenstein inflatable.

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