A Human

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Carol's POV:

We walked up to the doors, and Johnny pushed his way in, "Phew! Yeah." Kat and I walked in and saw many people in strange costumes walk around. Instantly the three of us were flung back into the spinning doors. I became smashed between Johnny's pack and Kat. "Who are you? And how did you find this place?" A male spoke. I frowned, feeling like I knew who that was. "Oh, I'm Jonathan. And I was just mountain climbing with some dudes... and heard this story about a spooky forest. And who's not going to go into a spooky forest, right? So, then I see these goofy-looking dudes on fire. And I just kind of followed them to this, like, amazing castle."

Kat grunted, "Hello, other people here!" Johnny moves slightly so that we can see who had us pushed against the door. I peered up and locked eyes with dark blue orbs. It seemed as if time froze. A flash of purple crossed the man's eyes, not knowing that the same thing had happened to me. That we had zinged. The man straightened up as if he realized something, "How many of you are there?" He asked, grabbing Johnny's shoulder in panic.

"Just me, Carol, and Kat. I like to hit it alone at times. You meet so many awesome people in the youth hostels. Hey, speaking of awesome, that cape thing is killing it. Is there, like, a costume party here?" Johnny answered. The man muttered something before grabbing us, "You have to leave!" He gets Johnny behind us, and I am between the man's chest and Kat, "Oh, no." He murmurs. A woman speaks, "Excuse me. One of your piranhas in the lake is very rude. He ate my sister-in-law." I frowned as we were brought back inside the castle, "Be right with you." He called out.

"Mr. Dracula, we asked for a room with a view of the pool. The room's fine. We want to book a massage. Yes, Swedish. Shiatsu. Aromatherapy. Lower back. Do you have hot-stone? We want a massage." A group of other people spoke, but Dracula only said one name, "I'll get back to you, Mr. Hydraberg."

"I hope so. I doubt it. See that you do. That's Ms. Hydraberg." I grunted and felt Kat tremble against my side. Dracula spoke as he dragged us around people, "Thanks. Yes, nice to see you."

"Dude, seriously, what's up? It's kind of funky to breathe under here." Johnny mumbled against us. I felt Dracula tense up and heard a man call out, "Drac. Hey, Drac. How'd it go with Mavey?" Dracula opens a door and releases us. I stumbled on my feet and glanced around the room. We are in a closet, and Dracula is listening for noises on the other side of the door. "Wow! This room's kind of small for a big castle. No bed, but check out these awesome dustpans they give you." Kat and I roll our eyes at Johnny. "Quiet, you fool! What weapons are you keeping in this container? Your pitchforks...?" Dracula digs in Johnny's bag, and I panicked, "Don't do that!" Dracula sniffs the shirt and falls back against the wall covering his mouth, "Oh! I can't breathe. It's killing me!" Kat remained silent as I shook my head, "I told you not to..." Dracula glared slightly at me before facing Johnny as the man picked up the shirt.

"Yeah, definitely due for a fluff and fold." Johnny huffed just as his phone went off. Dracula snatched it from Johnny and stared at it, "What is this? A torture device? A secret mind controller!? You won't read my thoughts. I won't let you!" He growled, waving the phone in the air. Johnny smiles, "Dude, it's just music. Here, try it." He manages to take his headphones on Dracula's ears, and it plays "Sexy, And I Know It." Dracula's face twists before he smacks the headphones away, "Ohh! It's taking my soooooouuull! Aaaahh!!!"


Carol and Kat giggled as Johnny picked up the headphones, "What?! But it's a good jam! Don't be a grandpa." Dracula stood back up and glared at the three humans, "You need to go. No human has ever entered this castle. And if someone should see you, the safety of the hotel, the sanctuary, no one would ever come again!" Johnny laughed, "Aw yeah! Go for it! "Ever come again"! I love your Dracula voice. It's so over the top!" Johnny sat down on a pile of suitcases as Kat stared at Dracula in shock, "Carol..." She whispered. Carol kept her mouth shut and swallowed hard. Yes, they are in the movie; yes, that is the real Count Dracula. Drac put his hands on his cheeks, "And Mavis... If she saw you, she would know that I lied. No!" Johnny shrugged his shoulders, "Who's Mavis? Is this her room? I'm good with a roommate. I had six brothers growing up, so I could totally share." Carol shook her head at Johnny, "Please shut up." She told him.

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