Vacation... Really?

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Carol opened her eyes, feeling the sun hit her face from the window. For fourteen years, she has had the same dream of being in a world full of monsters. The vampires in her nightmare were the only ones who were kind to her. A groan escapes her lips. Another day for work in the office. "I shouldn't have watched Hotel Transylvania last night." Carol moaned, throwing the sheets off herself and rubbing her tired eyes. 



Another groan passes Carol's lips as she reaches for her phone. The caller ID popped up a picture of her friend, Kat. Carol answers at the second ring of the call, "Mornin', Kat."

"Heyo, Carol! Are you up?"

"I am now. What's up? You usually don't call this early in the morning. It's 7:30." Carol answers, holding back a yawn.

"I know, but I scheduled for us to have a few days off because you've been working hard. And the boss agreed for the two of us to have a vacation."

A vacation?

Carol blinked in confusion, "But I don't need a vacation..."

Kat laughs, "You need it, girl. Come on! We can take a walk through nature, ride bikes, you like that!"

Well, a walk through the woods sounds good. It's been a while since she walked to the hidden pool, "A walk to the hidden pool sounds nice." The twenty-four-year-old muttered.

"'Atta, girl! I will pick you up in an hour!"

"Okay, Kat. See you soon."



Carol stood up and peered in the mirror to see a tangled mess of hair on her head, "Well, might as well get ready." She reached for her brush and began combing her black hair, wincing slightly at the knots. After brushing her hair, Carol faced her closet and pulled out her hiking pack, hat, and clothes. (This is your outfit.)

After getting dressed and eating a quick breakfast, the doorbell rings

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After getting dressed and eating a quick breakfast, the doorbell rings. Cleaning the dishes up, Carol shouts, "IT'S OPEN!" The door reveals a woman with brown hair in a ponytail, blue eyes, and a tank top with faded blue jeans. (Drawing belongs to owner) "Hey, girl!"

 (Drawing belongs to owner) "Hey, girl!"

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"Hi, Kat." Carol greeted, putting the last of the dishes away. "You ready to go?" Kat asked, leaning against the counter. Carol closes the cabinet and faces her childhood friend, "Yeah, I am. Just let me grab my bag." Kat nodded her head and waited for Carol to come back out of the bedroom. Then, walking back into the kitchen, the girls made their way out the door and to the woods behind Carol's house.

"So, what made you want to take this vacation?" Carol questioned, glancing at her friend. Kat rolls her eyes playfully, "Carol. You never had a day off. You need to relax, have some fun!" She chirped. The dark-haired girl laughs, "And our boss agreed on this?"

"Well, more like it was his idea..."

Carol shakes her head with a smile. A comfortable silence fell on the two as they entered the woods. The smell of the pine trees felt relaxing to Carol. Kat glances at Carol's wrist, noticing the vampire charm bracelet, "You know... where did you get that charm?" Carol glances down at the bat charm, "I don't remember. One day I woke up, and it was on my wrist. For some reason, I feel it's essential to keep it on."

The girls continued walking deeper into the woods, not realizing that dark clouds had moved over them. Then, the wind picked up, and a faint rumble was heard. Carol and Kat gaze up to see a storm brewing. "We gotta go back." Kat points out. Carol nodded and turned around, "Huh?" The path was gone, "We must've wandered off the trail, Kat!"


The wind howled after a strike of lightning came close to them. Kat gasped and grabbed Carol's hand, "Take cover by the trees!" She shouted. Carol pulled her friend to one of the trees, and they covered themselves. The storm grew louder, and rain poured downs fast. "Carol..." Kat gasped. The girls glance up to see a tree branch break off above them and fall.



"Hey, are you two alright?" A faint voice calls out.

The two girls opened their eyes to see a blurry man standing above them. Carol slowly sits up and rubs her aching head. Kat moans and struggles to stand, "What happened?" 

"I found you on the ground unconscious." The man stated obliviously. Once the girls' eyes cleared up, Carol and Kat gasped. Johnathan from Hotel Transylvania was standing above them. 

Carol's POV:

I couldn't believe it. This isn't real. But the man looks and sounds like Johnny from the movie. Kat leans towards me and whispers, "That can't be Johnny from that one movie, right?" I swallowed hard, "Who are you?" The man adjusted his backpack, "Oh, I'm Johnathan Loughran, but you can call me Johnny." He answered. I felt goosebumps. Johnny helped Kat and I to our feet, "So, where are you two headed?" I brushed my hair out of my face and side-glanced at Kat, "We don't exactly know..."

"Why don't you join me then? I am going through town and exploring. Wanna come?" Johnny offered. Well, we don't know where we are, and Johnny seemed nice enough to help.


Kat grabs my arm, "One moment, Johnny." She pulls me to the side, "What the F, are you doing?" I whispered in Kat's ear, "We don't know where we are. If he takes us to town, we can ask around, get some supplies, and find our way back home." Kat groaned in frustration, "Fine." I faced Johnny, who was taking a picture of a bird in a tree, "Johnny?" He turns to me with a grin, "Yeah?"

"We will come with you."

"Cool! Let's go!"

The three of us walked out of the woods and reached a nearby town. I noticed a sign that said 'Monster Festival', and saw people dressed up as monsters. I spotted a shop with costumes and grinned. I still had my credit card with me, thankfully, and hoped that it would work in these stores. I told Kat and Johnny that I would return and entered the store. A few minutes later, I came back out with my backpack a little heavier than usual. "What did you get?" Kat asked. I smiled at her, "Some costumes for us." Kat rolled her eyes as we continued walking through the town. 

"Welcome back, Carol..." A woman's voice echoes in my head, a voice I heard before but cannot place.

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