Starry Night (Supernova Specialization)

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Supernova Specialization
(Platonic) Relationship: Game And Watch + Ice Bag
Requested by: @cyansharpie
TW: Slight blood

The stars shone bright in the dark skies as Game And Watch walked, or rather limped, over to a tree, his teeth clenched together in pain.

A stream of muttered curses came from his mouth as the injuries on his leg shrieked at the amount of pressure he was using on it.

Earlier VHS had created an obstacle course challenge that had involved an area with spikes, another with weird, unnatural blue fire and something else with razor sharp tendrils swinging out at the contestants.

He'd gotten his leg mangled when one of the tendrils grabbed his ankle and swung him across the course; of course VHS Tape was a dense, moronic idiot and was dumb enough to not notice him walking funny and had even yelled in delight as Game And Watch has been flung across the place like he was watching a touchdown.

Game And Watch sat down on the grass, groaning in agony as he examined the damage done to his limb. His ankle was slightly twisted and multiple untreated cuts lined his skin, oozing streams of crimson.

Game And Watch muttered "well f*ck" under his breath and pulled up a handful of alien blue grass blades and tried to use them to soak up the blood.

"Your wound will get infected if you use grass, you know." The green-screened device turned to see Ice Bag approaching him with a medical kit in hand.

"I'll be fine. Just let me soak up the blood, the wounds are no biggie," he muttered, his stubbornness overcoming whatever instinct that told him to let her help him out.

Ice Bag didn't look convinced however, and walked over next to him before gently pulling the bloody grass out of his hand.

Before Game And Watch could protest, she opened up the kit and pulled out some cotton balls and began gently dabbing at the wounds with the force of a butterfly in fear of hurting her 'patient' even more.

"T-Thank you.." Game And Watch murmured, watching as his friend gently cleaned up the blood. The next bit wasn't quite as painless however, as the moment the ointment Ice Bag tried to apply to his leg touched the cut, it stung and he let out a pained hiss.

"I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you?!" "You didn't. Just try to tone down, alright? I'm not deaf." Ice Bag blushed in embarrassment and sheepishly nodded before she continued to dress Game And Watch's wound, finally pasting gauze to the cuts before she bandaged his ankle.

"You gotta be more careful, Game And Watch. Do you want me to talk with VHS Tape about the challenges?" Game And Watch snorted and shook his head. "Like he'll listen. It's fine, Ice Bag. Thanks for helping me."

Ice Bag grinned and chirped, "No problem!" Before merrily skipping away.
Game And Watch cracked a small smile. He was lucky to have met a person like her, it seemed.

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