Chilling Confessions (Supernova Specialization)

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Supernova Specialization
Relationship: Snowflake + Leafball (Platonic friendship)
Requested by: @ArtsyStarxx
TW: Slight Angst, Humanised AU, Snowflake has vitiligo and suffers from PTSD.
I figured this could be somewhat a part 2 to Constellations and Kyanites, where Snowflake probs knows about the kidnapping and escaped when SB's sister helped him, that's how he got his freezing powers.
Leafball walked to the clearing, tying her wavy green hair up with a pink hair tie. Her shovel was slung from a band around her upper body, and the ends of her bandanna tickled her neck ever so slightly.

Her pale amber eyes scanned the area, eventually catching sight of a certain cyan-haired boy asleep on a tree.

She approached the tree, and started quietly and carefully scaling up towards her sleeping friend. She soon reached the top, and gently poked the boy in the head to wake him up.

Snowflake squirmed slightly and curled up again. "Awwww, that's so cute, he looks like a kitten," Leafball thought with an amused smile.

She leaned over and gently patted his head, before she heard him whimpering. " away! I'm sorry..!" Her expression contorted into one of confusion, then later worry when he whimpered louder.

"Stop! Leave her alone..! Petal..! No, no..! Petal..!" "Snowflake? Snowflake!" "AAUGH!" His eyes shot open and he jumped up alarm, nearly toppling off the tree.

Leafball quickly grabbed his arm to prevent him from falling, and hoisted him up. "Snowflake?" "Leafball! It's just you!" He sighed in relief and murmured, "I'm so glad...I thought it was...them..."

Leafball stared at him in confusion. "Who's 'them' supposed to be?" The boy pulled his knees to his chest and shook his head mutely, indicating that he didn't want to speak about it.

Leafball tilted her head in worry, before a slight flash caught her eye. Glancing down, she saw a beautiful rose quartz anklet linked around his leg.

He caught her looking at the anklet and hurriedly pulled his pant leg down to conceal it. "Snowflake, that's so pretty! How'd ya get it?" The boy went silent for a minute, before he answered quietly, "Petal gave it to me."

Leafball stared at him in confusion. "Who's Petal?" Snowflake bit his lip nervously and fiddled with his hands before murmuring, "My saviour."

Leafball stared at him. "Doesn't really narrow it down." "I'm not getting out of here until I tell you who she is, am I?" Leafball grinned like a Cheshire Cat and replied, "You know me too well."

Snowflake gave a soft laugh before he sat up straight. "Okay, I'll tell you." He sighed and ran a hand through his messy cyan hair before beginning. "You know how I can freeze stuff? Like, with my hands?"


"Well, that was because the town I lived in had a bunch of twisted scientists who were obsessed with creating human beasts." Leafball gawked at him in disbelief.

"Human beasts?" "Half human, half animal or beast, basically." He paused and awkwardly shifted his position.

"They drove around kidnapping kids around 5 to 19 years old to experiment on them to try giving them some powers or something."

Leafball stopped and stared at him. "Are you saying..."

"Yes." Snowflake drew a shaky breath. "They took me away when I was 11." Leafball gasped in horror and quickly wrapped her arms around him in a hug.

"Snowflake, I'm so sorry that happened to you!" Snowflake let out a faint yelp of surprise, but soon leaned into the hug before asking awkwardly, "Can I continue?"

Leafball nodded and quickly removed her arms from her friend before quickly brushing her loose strands of hair behind her ears.

"They kidnapped me and tried multiple experiments on me, and transferred freezing powers to me. If I cried because I was afraid or tried escaping, they..."

He paused, shivering, before he tried again. "They..." Leafball quickly put her hand on his shoulder, shaking her head, trying to tell him not to say it if he was uncomfortable.

He swallowed and took another deep breath before continuing, "I met Petal around the time I turned 12. She was 17 then, and she'd been there longer than I was. I'd seen her a few times, but never had an actual conversation with her. We had a change of cage locations, and I was shifted next to her."

"Hol' up. Did you say CAGES?!" Snowflake flinched at her sudden raise in volume. "Y-yes..?" " What the actual f*ck is wrong with those psychos?!"

She had to mentally restrain herself from yelling so she wouldn't scare her friend. "Sorry, continue."

"O-okay then..? She told me she'd been taken from her older brother when she was sixteen. She missed him dearly and acted as my Guardian when the scientists came around for testing."

He drew another shaky breath. "She was the one who gave me this anklet. She had a similar one except it was amethyst. She was given the power to manipulate stones and crystals, so she'd created this out of rose quartz. One day, I saw her removing her anklet, and I asked her why she'd taken it off. She said she was leaving it for her older brother if he ever found this place and she'd died."

Leafball gazed at him in pity, her amber eyes staring into his green ones. "Afterwards she told me she managed to steal the keys to the cages from the scientists, and got me out of my cage before slipping out herself."

Tears were forming in his eyes now, and he bit back a sob. "She...she brought me to the exit but before we managed to get out, the security came and they were armed with guns."

Leafball gasped in horror, and an image of what could've happened flashed in her mind. "They... they caught her and she shoved me out the door and screamed at me to get out and escape. I... I didn't want to leave her, I swear..!"

Snowflake had started sobbing by now; Petal seemed to have been very dear to him. Snowflake sniffled.

"Then, when I turned 14, there was a news report that the lab we were in had been blown up and a massacre had happened. Petal and the others had disappeared completely. No trace of their bodies, nothing. They were all just gone."

He sniffled again, and Leafball quickly leaned over and wrapped him in a loving, tender hug.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, Snowflake. I'll be here for you if you need someone to talk to, or get things off your stress. Please let me help you," she murmured, looking at him gently. Snowflake just sniffled, nodded and hugged her.

The two remained in that embrace for a while, and Leafball soon started stroking his back to try and soothe him. Leafball stared up at the star-filled sky, and silently made a vow.

She'd protect Snowflake, no matter what the cost. "I'm not prepared to sacrifice my life for much, but if it comes to you, Snowflake," she rested her head on his gently.

"I'll do anything to make sure you're alright."

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