You Can't Wake Up (PPT2/Object Havoc)

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Crossover w/ PPT2 and Object Havoc

Relationship: None, characters involved are Carrot, Mirror, iPod (OH), Mr Hand (mentioned) and Treasure Chest (PPT2)

Requested by: @Ink-Feather-OSC
TW: Corruption, Humanised

Carrot gazed around the empty void in her dreams. Where was the voice coming from? Who was it? And why were they calling her for help, of all people?

"Help... me..."

Carrot whirled around in alarm. "W-who's there?!" No reply. Just darkness. The voice had gone quiet too, until Carrot heard it call out again.

"Help... me... please..."

The voice kept echoing in her head, and Carrot quickly covered her ears, squeezing her eyes shut tight.

"Help... me... please... He's..."
"Help... me... please... He's... got..."
"Help... me... please... He's... got... me..."

The voice seemed to be getting louder, and louder, until-


"AUUUGHHH!" She screamed in terror, shooting upright in her bed as her eyes shot open. iPod and Mirror were at the head of her bed, staring at her in worry. "Carrot..? You okay?" iPod asked hesitantly, his turquoise eyes flashing in concern.

"Oh my Gosh, I just had a huge nightmare.. there was someone calling for help and I didn't know where they were and it was so dark-" iPod quickly held his hands up and said, "Woah, woah, too fast!" Carrot calmed herself down, and sighed. "Sorry."

Mirror gently sat herself on the edge of Carrot's bed, gazing at her in concern with cerulean eyes. "Was your nightmare really that bad? You were twitching like you were having a seizure." 'Was I really?' She thought to herself awkwardly. She must've seemed demented if she'd had a nightmare that bad.

"No, no, I'm fine! Really!" The couple stared at her, not convinced. "You sure?" "Yeah, don't worry about me, you both need to sleep as well," she answered, cracking an awkward smile. "Okay, if you say so..." iPod gave her a worried look, and Mirror said softly, "If your nightmares get even worse, you can come to us, okay?"

Carrot nodded and smiled tiredly. When the duo exited her room, she sighed and tossed and turned in her bed for a while before nestling into a comfortable position and drifting off into sleep again. Before she did, though, she could swear she'd seen a dark blue pair of eyes staring at her.

When she entered her dreams, she found herself in that void again. Suddenly the voice called out again, but this time she heard it loud and clear. "Help me... He's got me..!" She gasped. "Ohmigod! Where are you?! Who are you? Who GOT you?!"

She suddenly heard a cracking noise, and whirled around and nearly screamed. There was a boy standing before her, but almost his entire body had some black and dark blue substance crawling all over it. The part of his body that wasn't covered was the upper left side of his body and face, and Carrot could see clearly that the boy was wearing a pale brown and white T-shirt and had gold and brown hair and green eyes.

"Mr..Hand... he got me..." the boy choked out, as the substance started making its way to his throat. "And... he's...." Carrot quickly bent down, panicking, and asked, "He's what?! Who is Mr Hand?" The boy seemed to be fading away, but before he did, the words he spoke sent a chill down her spine before the boy vanished fully, and she spiralled into the void of sleep.

"He's coming for you next."

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