Rainfall Thoughts (PPT2)

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Relationship: Ukulele x Bubblewrap
Paper Puppets Take 2
Requested by: Sheltonxut
TW: None
Bubblewrap felt the rain dripping down on her and running through her hair as she sat quietly on the front porch of Gold Ingot's house, deep in thought.

Most people would've chosen to stay indoors, but for one thing, Bubblewrap wanted to be alone, and majority of the Paper Puppets Take 2 cast were indoors.

Which led her to sit outside on the front porch to think about her life choices.

Bubblewrap thought of one person; Ukulele. She was a really good friend, and was also really pretty.

Black length hair always worn in a braid with brown and white highlights, a pretty yellow T-shirt with white flower patterns all over it, a pair of jean shorts and umber tennis shoes... she was easily one of the prettier girls in the cast.

Ukulele was really kind and sweet too; she was caring and always was there to lend others a helping hand if it was ever needed. She also thought of others first before she thought of herself, and Bubblewrap really admired her for all those qualities.

Screw that; Bubblewrap was crushing on her, big time.

Bubblewrap stared up at the stormy sky, watching as the darkened storm clouds sent torrents of little droplets falling onto the field and her entire being. She didn't care that it soaked her hoodie; it was peaceful enough.

Or so it was until she heard someone call her.

"Bubblewrap?" The girl with pale blue hair jumped in fright and whirled around only to see Milk standing behind her, an umbrella in hand.

Milk was her fellow competitor, and had short white hair she often wore in a mini ponytail. She wore a white dress tied at the waist by a red ribbon and was clad in a pair of ruby-red sports shoes.

"Uh... yes?" She asked nervously. Milk tilted her head and asked awkwardly, "Why're you out here in the rain?" Bubblewrap cringed and answered nervously, "Because I don't want to stay indoors with so many people? It's... nice to be alone with my thoughts."

"Oh." Moments later, she saw Milk sit next to her, holding the pastel green umbrella over her head as well. "Care to talk about your thoughts then? Get some things off your chest if you need?" Milk asked gently.

On one hand, Bubblewrap seriously did not want to share her problems with others. She was already viewed by most as a crybaby and a little chicken.

Telling Milk her issues would probably stem laughter directed at her too, which wouldn't help her already dwindling self-confidence.

But on the other hand, Milk was a reliable and trustworthy person, and one of the few people Bubblewrap could trust. She supposed maybe telling the white-haired girl some things she felt wouldn't be so bad.

"Okay, I guess..." The two started talking about the show, about their teams, the challenges, their fellow competitors, and soon their conversations flowed as smoothly as a river of starshine.

At least until Milk, out of curiosity, suddenly asked, "Bubblewrap, do you have a crush on Ukulele?" Oh no. "W-What?! N-no, I- uhhh, I don't! Haha, wh-why would you say that?" Bubblewrap stammered, flustered.

Milk raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Why are you so flustered? You always act like this around her." Bubblewrap made a small squeak of embarrassment and covered her face. How had it been so obvious-?!

"You don't have to hide it, Bubblewrap. I swear I won't tell a soul," Milk laughed softly. "Fine, yeah, I really like Ukulele. She's just... too good for me, and I don't deserve her..." Milk stared at her in surprise.

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