Heartbreak and Confessions (SS)

669 5 2

Requested by @cyansharpie
Relationship: Ice Bag x Game And Watch
Show: Supernova Specialization
Type: Angst, Fluff

"I said I don't need your damn help!"
"Your leg is covered in cuts, at least let me help stop the bleeding!"

Game And Watch furrowed his eyebrows in exasperation. Why Ice Bag was so stubborn to keep wanting to help him, he had no idea. Earlier he'd gotten injured in VHS Tape's stupid, stupid challenge that involved him being flung across the arena full force by a thorn vine.

His leg was covered in cuts and bruises, and Ice Bag had decided to try and help him, much to his annoyance. Naturally, his stubbornness overpowered his rational thinking and he instantly declined needing her help, but the girl was equally as  stubborn as him, trying to convince him she had to help him.

"I said go away!"
"Your leg is injured, if it's not treated it could get infected!"
"Will you stop it and get lost?! I said I don't need any help!"
"Just let me help you, please!"

Finally, Game And Watch lost his patience and shouted something he shouldn't have said. "Can you shut up and leave me alone?! At this rate I wish I could just jump off a cliff and into a ravine already to stop hearing your voice!"

Ice Bag froze and Game And Watch immediately clapped a hand across his mouth. "Shit, Ice Bag, I'm so sorry-" "N-no, no, it's fine, I-I get it," she whimpered before turning around and running off, dropping the medical kit on the way. "Ice Bag! Wait!" Game And Watch's injured leg screamed in agony as he hauled himself to his feet and ran after Ice Bag, but he ignored it.

Him and his big mouth. Why did he have to blurt out that one thing that he KNEW would give Ice Bag traumatic flashbacks?! He was mentally kicking himself for doing that stupid thing. He chased her across the challenge set, and soon realised they were near the cliff.

"Ice Bag! LOOK OUT!" He yelled. When she heard him, it was only then she realised where she was. With a yelp of fear, she tried to stop, but ended up tripping over her own foot and falling off the cliff.

As she began to fall, memories of Briefcase flashed before her eyes. His smile turning into a look of horror when he realised he was about to fall. His shriek of terror as he plummeted into the rapids below. His thrashing movements as he tried and failed to resurface, his howl of agony overpowered by the rushing water.

The memories were too much for Ice Bag to take. The last thing she saw was Game And Watch reaching out for her. Then she blacked out.


"Ice Bag? Ice Bag!"
"Agh!" She jolted awake, only to find herself in Game And Watch's arms. "Morning, Jumpy McChicken, you okay?" Ice Bag felt heat rush to her face slightly when she saw how close she was to Game And Watch. She swallowed and nodded, and was shocked when he suddenly pulled her into a hug.

"Ice Bag, I'm so sorry for what I said, I swear I really didn't mean it," he suddenly whispered, sincerity and remorse clear in his tone. Ice Bag leaned into his hug, and murmured, "It's okay, Game And Watch. I just... you know, the memories..."

Game And Watch quietly pulled away and faced her, before he said softly, "Try to let go of them. If you keep remembering these types of memories then you'll never get over Briefcase." Ice Bag sighed and muttered, "I'll try. One question though, how am I still alive?" The digital device shrugged and answered, "I managed to grab your leg before you fell."

Game And Watch suddenly looked a little flustered, and finally said, "Good grief, Ice Bag, I have no idea how to say this but- I really like you, okay? More than a friend. You've always been so kind and supportive, and you were there for me even though I never expressed gratitude for your help." Ice Bag's eyes went wide and she smiled.

"Game and Watch, you don't know how long I've been waiting to hear that," she said before hugging him close. Game And Watch almost fell back a little at the force, and hugged back, smiling when he heard her whisper, "I like you too."

She broke out of the hug and smiled, "Now let's get your leg fixed up, okay?" "Okay."

"They're cute together, aren't they?" "I agree with you, Commander TV." Firework and TV both peered over the bush, grinning as they watched the two embrace.

"I think I'm going to be sick," muttered Glovey, and both Tetris Block and Root Beer fake gagged in agreement. Firework turned and asked, "Oh come on, soldiers. Can't you be happy for them?" Glovey raised an eyebrow, Tetris Block rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, and Root Beer-

Firework and TV both winced when they heard Root Beer actually throw up in a bush. "Now I'm really going to be sick," Announced Glovey. Tetris Block glanced at Root Beer, and immediately looked like he was nauseous.

Firework and TV got out of there as fast as they could so VHS Tape could deal with the mess.

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