Spooky Sleepover (GC)

213 6 1

Relationship: None
Galactic Conquest
Requested by: @Katelynn12210
TW: None, but this happens in an AU where Galactic Conquest never happened so they're in Wine Glass and Arcade Token's shared city apartment.
The flickering light of the Halloween jack-o'-lanterns cast long, dancing shadows on the living room floor. The faint scent of pumpkin spice and a hint of burning sugar wafted through the air.

Arcade Token, a hyperactive whirlwind of a coin, buzzed around the room, bouncing off furniture and walls, his laughter echoing like a frantic pinball machine.

Wine Glass was watching as Gas Tank struggled to wrangle her friend back down to sit still, a small smile tugging on her lips as she watched the, frankly hilarious, sight.

"Bro, sit the fuck still!" Snapped Gas Tank, trying to stop Arcade Token from scaling the wall. His efforts unfortunately proved futile to stop the bundle of pure energy.

"This is gonna be the best sleepover EVER!" Arcade Token laughed, attaching a spiderweb garland to the ceiling, ignoring the faint whine of the robotic vacuum cleaner from the next room.

Wine Glass, her usual calm demeanor slightly ruffled, watched him with a fond smile. "Just try not to get too carried away, Token," she said, her eyes twinkling. "We don't want to frighten the others."

"Oh, come on," Token whined, "a little scare is good for the soul! Besides, we have a ghost story night planned! It's gonna be totally creepy!"

He winked at that, grabbing a bowl of candy corn and offering one to Wine Glass, who politely declined. Gas Tank balked. "Who even eats that?" He grumbled.

Candy Cane, Spray Paint and Folder walked in a moment later from the kitchen, with Candy Cane and Spray Paint munching on a bowl of candy corn, gummy bears and jellybeans.

"You've gotta be shitting me," Gas Tank groaned, falling onto a plush beanbag. "Why the fuck are you eating that abomination of a Halloween candy with fucking jellybeans and gummy bears of everything else."

"It's good, you dick," scoffed Spray Paint, her tone playful as she swiped a bright red jellybean and popped it into her mouth. "No it's not, you uncultured bitch," Gas Tank rebutted.

"They're good, Gas Tank," Candy Cane chuckled softly. "Don't knock it till you try it." Gas Tank just scoffed and rolled his eyes as he made himself comfortable. "I'll pass."

The floor was littered with pillows and blankets, the coffee table overflowing with snacks and sodas. But the real feast was about to begin – the feast of fear.

"Alright, who's going first?" asked Folder, her voice barely a whisper as she nervously pulled her apricot orange blanket up to her knees.

"Oh, I've got a good one," chirped Candy Cane, his voice high-pitched with excitement. "It's about this cursed doll... you know, the kind with the creepy, vacant stare?"

"Oh yeah, like Chucky, but less murderous?" chuckled Gas Tank with an amused grin at his friend's excitement, leaning back against the sofa cushions.

"No! Not like Chucky! It's a porcelain doll," Candy Cane insisted, his voice taking on a dramatic whisper. "And it's possessed by the spirit of a little girl who died tragically in a fire."

"Wait, you mean the doll literally caught fire? And the girl was in it?" Arcade Token interrupted, his eyebrows raised in disbelief.

"No, Arcade Token! It's a story, you idiot!" Spray Paint snapped, her face turning a bright shade of red.

"It's okay, Spray Paint, he just needs to be reminded that we're talking about fictional horror, not real life," Wine Glass said, trying to soothe the situation.

"Right, right," Arcade Token mumbled, fiddling with the remote control of the TV, which was displaying a silent, flickering screen.

Ignoring his interruption, Candy Cane continued, "So, this doll, she starts whispering to people..."

"Whispering? Like, 'Pass the salt'?" Folder, the quietest of the group, interjected, causing a ripple of laughter to pass through the room.

"No, Folder! It's like... 'Your soul is mine. Prepare to be consumed in eternal darkness!'' He chuckled, mimicking a chilling whisper.

"Oh, spooky," she mumbled, eyes half-closed. "I think I'd prefer 'Pass the salt'."

"Anyway," Candy Cane continued, "this doll, she's really creepy, and she starts moving on her own, and..."

"Hold on, Candy Cane," Arcade Token said, interrupting him once again. "Did you just say the doll moves on its own? Is that like... a self-driving doll? Does she have a license?"

'Arcade Token, you're killing the mood," Wine Glass groaned. "It's supposed to be spooky."

Arcade Token shrugged. 'Sorry, I just imagined this doll, like, zipping around the house in a little car, honking the horn.'

'It's not funny, Arcade Token,' Spray Paint said, her voice tinged with frustration. "It's a classic horror trope! You know, like... the possessed doll, moving around by itself, whispering dark secrets..."

"Ooh, ooh, like those sentient vacuum cleaners from 'The Good Place'?" Arcade Token piped up, his eyes wide. "They're actually pretty cool. They even clean up messes and keep you company."

"Arcade Token," Folder whispered, pinching the bridge of her nose, "you're the opposite of scary."

Spray Paint sighed, "Look, the point is, this doll is evil, and it's really, really creepy."

"Okay, okay, I get it," Arcade Token said, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Creepy, scary... but why not a sentient, self-driving vacuum cleaner? At least it's useful, right?"

"You're ruining the story again, Arcade Token," Gas Tank said.

'But I'm just trying to make it more relatable!" Arcade Token exclaimed. 'You know, give it some modern-day flare!'

"Fine, fine," Spray Paint said, rolling her eyes. "If you're so eager to add to the story, why don't you tell yours now?"

Arcade Token, seemingly having no qualms about taking the spotlight, enthusiastically launched into his story, which involved a self-driving, sentient vacuum cleaner named 'Marvin' that terrorized a suburban neighborhood by playing extremely loud techno music at 3am, causing the residents to lose their sleep and unleash their inner rage.

The story, while completely ridiculous, had the entire group roaring with laughter. As the night wore on, the stories continued, each more outlandish and hilarious than the last.

Spray Paint told a story about a sentient toilet that decided it was time to get out of the bathroom and see the world, only to be thwarted by a stray cat who took a liking to it.

Gas Tank, inspired by Arcade Token's story, detailed a chilling tale about a mischievous app that could control all the smart devices in a house, turning the mundane into a chaotic nightmare.

By the time the moon started to peek through the basement window, they were all exhausted, their sides aching from laughter. They had successfully transformed a spooky sleepover into a night of pure, unadulterated silliness.

"Okay," Spray Paint said, yawning. "I think it's safe to say we've successfully scared ourselves silly tonight."

"You know, I don't think I've ever laughed this much," Folder said, a smile spreading across her face.

"And I don't think I've ever been so glad not to be haunted by a sentient vacuum cleaner," Gas Tank said, letting out a hearty chuckle.

As they began to drift off to sleep, the laughter faded, replaced by a comfortable silence and the soft glow of the fairy lights.

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