Workaholic Loses All (OC)

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In the bustling, clattering world of objects, where dreams bounced like marbles and laughter tinkled like delicate chimes, there lived a multifaceted dessert named Parfait.

With layers of whipped cream that billowed like clouds, eggs that nestled in golden folds, and an assortment of vibrant fruits that burst with the radiance of summer, he was the epitome of indulgence — not just in flavor but in productivity.

Parfait was a workaholic, his days consumed by deadlines and the never-ending pursuit of perfection. He prided himself on being the best employee in his company, earning accolades and admiration from superiors.

His greatest treasure, however, was Wind Chime. Parfait's fiancée, Wind Chime, was the very essence of melody—an intricate orchestration of woodwind elements that resonated with the gentle cadence of wind.

Nonbinary and full of vibrant hues, Wind Chime thrived almost fully on connection, often casting gentle notes of joy while building relationships with everyone they met. They were a brilliant contrast to Parfait's serious demeanour.

They loved to gather friends to share laughter and experiences—time that Parfait often squandered on spreadsheets and reports. It had been six years of their relationship, and soon, they decided it was time they tied the knot.

However, multiple problems soon arose, and almost all were in the form of Parfait choosing work over the wedding plans, much to his poor fiancé's dismay.

"Parfait," they would implore softly, "can we talk about the wedding plans? I want it to reflect both of us."

He, always engrossed in his work, would wave dismissively. "We'll have time after the big presentation. Focus on the wedding later. I need to secure the project first."

"Parfait, can we talk about the centerpieces?" Wind Chime asked one evening, their soft voice drowned under the mechanical clicking of keys.

"Mhm, later," he replied without turning around.

That "later" never came, and as the wedding day drew near, Wind Chime felt the twinkle in their heart fade. They craved a co-creation, a partnership; yet, each time they reached out, Parfait's back remained turned, fixated on numbers and accolades.

Weeks turned into months, and the date of their wedding loomed ever closer. While Wind Chime envisioned a whimsical ceremony filled with creativity, laughter, and music, Parfait honed in on every detail of his next work assignment, refusing to budge.

He buried himself in spreadsheets, deadlines, and endless meetings, allowing the beautiful moments with Wind Chime to slip between his fingers like sugar sand.

Finally, the day of their wedding arrived. Everyone gathered beneath an azure sky adorned with wispy clouds, the air heavy with anticipation.

Wind Chime, radiant in a dress that shimmered like dawn, awaited Parfait at the altar, their heart pounding with excitement. But as the vows were exchanged and the moment of intimacy drew near, Parfait felt the nagging pull of unfinished work.

His eyes flicked towards the laptop he had hidden beneath the floral arrangements, an impulse nagging at him that he simply couldn't resist.

Yet hours later, amidst the reception's festivity, when joy reached its peak, Parfait pulled out his sleek laptop. "I just have a few emails to respond to," he murmured, his focus unwavering from the intricate screen before him.

Wind Chime felt their heart break and shatter into tiny notes that clashed discordantly around the room. They watched as the celebratory laughter faded into a distant echo while Parfait became lost in his work.

The bitterness of unmet promises overwhelmed Wind Chime, which ended up ultimately drowning them in resentment.

As he lifted the cover, the delicate chime of the wedding bells was drowned out by the mechanical clicking of keys, destroying the atmosphere. Wind Chime's heart shattered, their expression shifting from love to betrayal.

Though they tried to understand, a chasm had opened that they could no longer overlook. That evening, after the guests had left with puzzled faces and full stomachs, Wind Chime took a quivering breath and announced, "Parfait, this was a mistake. I can't be with someone who puts work above everything else, even us."

Their words sliced through him like ice, and for a moment, he was numb. As Wind Chime walked away, Parfait felt an emptiness settle into his core—almost welcomed in its silence, devoid of the chaos of emotion.

He thought he would eventually move on, but the days that followed were a blur of constant work, and without Wind Chime's laughter, the world felt as barren as a dessert without its sweet layers.

Days passed like quicksand slipping through fingers; Parfait diligently worked, pouring energy into the art he once found joyous. Yet, as weeks morphed into months, subtle voids echoed in his life, gnawing at his heart.

The glossy surfaces began to dull, and as the days turned barren, the world around him lost its vibrancy without Wind Chime's laughter.

As time trickled on, Parfait buried himself deeper into his work, clawing his way up the corporate ladder. Parfait rose through the ranks of his company, an indomitable titan in the dessert industry. He grew successful, undoubtedly, but his victory was a hollow, cold echo.

Loneliness nested within him, threading through every pristine cake he crafted. In the stillness of his office, its sterile silence echoed with absence, and every success felt shallow without Wind Chime beside him, sharing the sweetest moments that were now dust in the wind.

It wasn't until years later, while sifting through old papers, that a photograph fell from his wallet—of a joyous Wind Chime, laughing while he held a spatula, covered in flour during one of their infamous kitchen escapades.

Memories flooded him; the warmth of their shared moments now chilled into regret. What had he done?

It happened five years later, when Parfait stumbled upon an Instagram post while taking a brief respite from work. It glared at him with messages of joy, love, and celebration. What greeted his eyes made his heart shatter.

Wind Chime was engaged to someone—a nonbinary ceramic cup named Ceramic, who adorned a charming smile that radiated warmth. The two were hand-in-hand, laughing as they held up their hands with matching rings and bangles to the camera.

At that moment, reality crashed over Parfait like a tidal wave. The choices he made, the countless nights sacrificed, the laughter that was replaced with silence had all etched a lonely outline of his life in contrast to the vibrant display before him.

His former fiancé and their new lover, soon-to-be life partner, both sparkled with happiness, a treasure he had lost amid ambitions muddied with neglect.

As he sat in the solitude of his empty office, the sweet aroma of vanilla and passion fruit that once filled every corner now felt like a bitter reminder of all he had forsaken. He'd become the best employee, but at what cost?

After all, a perfectly crafted dessert left unattended would only harden and spoil, much like the possibilities that had once danced between him and Wind Chime.

It was then that Parfait finally understood the true essence of sweetness: relationships and love were far more important than the transient accolades of hard work.

He wished he could turn back time, to find moments to celebrate and cherish instead of letting them slip away like sugar through fingers. And such wishing was out of his own hands.

With a heavy heart, he closed his laptop for good, hoping to find a new recipe for life, one that balanced sweetness with connection—before it was too late.

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