United In Secret (GC)

126 1 1

Relationship: Eraser x Brick
Galactic Conquest
Requested by: @cyansharpie
TW: None
Keep running.

Keep running.

Don't stop running.

Brick felt his feet burn as he ran as fast as he could, trampling on the grass as he ran away from the area. 'If that bitch catches me, I'm so dead,' he thought, gritting his teeth as he bolted on.

He had seen what happened to Recycling Bin. He did NOT need that to happen to him. Fuck being eliminated; he would rather not lose his life to a psychotic object trying to turn him into fucking stone.

Finally, after a while, he felt himself short of breath and skidded to a halt, panting. Was he far away? Far enough from the person who would kill him?

His eyes glanced furtively around, blinking sweat out his eyes as he scanned the vicinity to make sure he was really, and truly, on his own now.

He didn't care if he was lost; being lost would be infinitely better than whatever fate he'd have to face if she got him.

Before he could even process anything, however, he thought that he saw the scenery before him glitching, pixelated bits slowly transforming from a purple background to a more... orangey hue.

"What in the name of fucking hell is this-?" He blurted out, confusion swimming around in his head as he found himself standing a small distance away from the teams, thankfully hidden by the shrubbery.

Ahead, he could hear Clipboard snapping at Globe while the latter seemed to be having a mental meltdown. Eraser grabbed her shoulder and shook her head lightly, trying to get the team leader to calm down.

There was an odd look in Eraser's eyes that made Brick wonder about what had happened to his fellow competitor. Had something happened?

Brick frowned. Whatever it was, he was going to find out one way or another.

The eerie silence was far too much for Brick as he watched Eraser cradle the inanimate, stone body of Globe, sobbing in wide-eyed horror. 'What kind of evil bitch would.. would..'

Brick couldn't bring himself to finish that thought.

Globe, so curious and eager, so silly and cheerful, was dead, nothing but an inanimate, faceless item with no more thoughts he could share, no more life and laughter he could spread.

"I'm sorry it had to end this way," Motherboard, the object who had killed Globe, murmured. Eraser didn't even react even as she stepped forth and pulled Globe's inanimate form out her hands and gently rolled him away.

Brick watched as Eraser just crumpled to the ground with her knees to her chest, barely moving an inch. 'What would Clipboard say?' He thought he heard her choke out.

Hesitantly, Brick stepped out from behind the reddish shrubbery he was hiding behind and carefully made his way over to his teammate, praying that Motherboard was not there.

"Eraser?" Said object whipped her head around and her eyes went wide with shock by his sudden appearance. "You... you escaped. I thought you were gone, eliminated."

"I did," Brick said, his voice slightly choked with emotion. He might not have cared for Globe but the guy was still his teammate, someone he had bonded with. "I saw it all. Globe, Motherboard, everything."

A silence fell between them, broken only by the harsh winds and the distant chatter of the other contestants whipping across the orange planet.

Eraser looked up to lock gazes with Brick, her eyes wide and filled with an emotion that Brick couldn't quite tell what it was.

"You really saw it all, didn't you?" Eraser whispered, her voice trembling. "You saw how she just... took him." Brick just nodded silently, a lump forming in his throat.

"I... I got lucky," Brick whispered, his gaze fixed on the floor. "I escaped and ran, but I saw it what happened to everyone who got eliminated. They.. had the same fates as Globe."

A silence settled between them, a shared grief hanging heavy in the air.

"I'm sorry," Eraser finally managed, her voice thick with emotion.

Brick looked up, meeting Eraser's gaze. "I know," he said, a faint smile twitching at the corner of his mouth. "We're all just... waiting for our turn at this rate. They'll get us all, one by one."

"But at least we'll have each other still," Eraser said softly, her voice warm and comforting and so full of hope Brick wanted to believe that maybe they would all really survive.

Brick's also felt a faint flutter in his heart at Eraser's words too. Something about her always seemed to be the missing piece to the puzzle that was his heart. "We do,"he whispered, a new, hopeful feeling blossoming in his heart.

Eraser looked at him, her eyes filled with a quiet hope. "I've always admired your courage, you know." She murmured, raising her head as her deep amber eyes gazed into his own green ones.

"You were always the most pessimistic one on the team, and yet you were still so strong and steadfast. And... and I've always... I've always had feelings for you."

The words hung heavy in the air. Brick, his heart pounding in his chest, found his own voice. "I... I feel the same way, Eraser. I always have."

The orange planet, a symbol of their impending doom, seemed to fade into the background. Brick slowly moved over and sat next to Eraser, leaning on her taller form as she nestled him closer to her.

All that mattered was the flickering spark of life between them, sharing a moment of connection, a fleeting whisper of love against the backdrop of oblivion.

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