Chapter 5: Dream Come True

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You physically felt your heart stop beating

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You physically felt your heart stop beating. Was this real? It felt like it really wasn't real; maybe now, in a cruel twist of fate, you'd be thrust back into 2022, just as you'd met someone you'd wanted to meet your whole life.

"Hey wait a minute!" Ray exclaimed, looking you up and down, with that characteristic chuckle you'd only heard through videos, "You're (Y/n) (L/n), aren't you?"

Fucking shit, fuck, piss, cunt, bitch—

"That's me," you answered in a tiny voice, still unable to properly process the fact that Ray fucking Toro was standing in front of you.

And he'd talked to you! He'd said your name!

You were gonna puke in excitement.

"Thanks for your 'peace offering'," he spoke, easily making conversation, much to your astonishment, "all of the guys really appreciated it. How'd you know we like Taking Back Sunday?"

"Oh, uh," you clutched at your arm, "Harvey — my manager — told me. He's friends with your guy, Brian."

You were lying. You could distinctly remember an interview where they'd spoken about liking that band, but you would never tell Ray Toro that you'd stalked him on the internet.

"It was really sweet of you," he expressed, putting his hands in his pocket with a broad smile, "honestly, everyone's pretty eager to meet you."

"Really?" you blanked, feeling all blood drain from your head to your toes, "I — I gotta say, I was really stoked to finally be able to meet you guys too," you gabbled, rubbing the back of your neck. "I think your music is fantastic, and you all seem like really — cool people..."

Inside, you were screaming, throwing up, pissing and shitting on the floor.

"D'aww, now you're just flattering us," Ray laughed, his afro hiding his face as he ducked his head in embarrassment.

"No, it's true!" you argued, though you couldn't help letting out an amused snort, "Honestly, you guys are wonderful, and I can't wait to see you perform."

"Well, I gotta say that I'm looking forward to your concert," he replied, which made you freeze. "I gave your new album a listen, it's really good! I love the little guitar twangs you put on 'Head In The Mud'!"

"Thank you," you spluttered, even though you had no memory of ever creating that song.

"Are you okay? You look kinda..." he gestured, with a flap of his hand, an expression of concern now on his face.

"I'm — nervous, you could say," you choked out. "I haven't performed in front of such a large crowd before, and with so many famous acts. I'm kinda out of my depth, so..."

"Oh no, even we get all tied up before concerts too," Ray assured you; his comforting was sweet, and much needed. "Gerard practically stalks the halls worrying about his voice. Trust me, it gets better after you get used to being on stage."

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