Chapter 30: Resolve And Tenacity

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The date left you giddy

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The date left you giddy. You were bouncing on clouds, floating on a high that might've been the happiest you'd ever felt in years — though you were still hesitant.

However, despite your admitted insecurity, right before you went on stage, that afternoon, Gerard had taken you to one side, and given you a very sensual kiss, arms wrapped around your neck and everything, that caused you to stumble on your feet. He'd had to leave straight after, but you were dazed, with a giant, stupid smile on your face as Harvey had dragged to towards the stage.

Maybe this whole 'love' thing wasn't as bad as you'd thought it was.

What had been good about spending so much time with Gerard, was that you'd seen him change too — he'd become better before going on stage, and his hair had gotten longer again, beginning to resemble a more bouncy, floofy version of his revenge era style. Of course, he'd also been a lot more vocal about his affection for you, when it was just the two of you.

Surprisingly enough, Gerard was pretty reserved when it came to his romantic relationships, and in public, he preferred to keep things on the downlow. You couldn't complain, you liked it that way as well.

Another day passed, and you found yourself in New Jersey; the state was actually pretty nice, in a roundabout odd way — it was easy to see how growing up here had influenced Gerard, Mikey and Ray. There was a raffish charm to the place, which you couldn't say for South Dakota.

When you came out of the shower, after your performance, you wandered around backstage to find Harvey, however, a call of your name stopped you in your tracks, as you passed a room. You shuffled backwards, and peeked through the doorway hesitantly.

There, in the centre of the room, was both Mikey and Gerard, as well as a blonde woman who was sitting at a table, and it didn't take a genius to realise that this was their mother, Donna Way. Gerard waved you over enthusiastically, and you obliged, walking towards them slowly, nerves beginning to surface.

Gerard grabbed your hand as soon as you were within distance, and turned to his mum with a grin; "Mum, this is the one I was telling you about," he explained.

You couldn't disguise your fear, "What do you mean by that?" you asked in a high pitched voice.

The woman looked at you, a tired smile occupying her mouth. "Hello," she greeted, holding out a hand, "I'm Donna, their mother. You must be Gerard's partner."

You paused, before shaking her hand hesitantly. "Hi, I'm (Y/n)," you tried to steady your voice.

"I know," she stated wisely, "I was at your show — I stuck around to see yours after I watched my boys."

"Oh," you blinked in surprise, "thank you."

Donna made herself more comfortable on her chair, before asking, "Would you mind if I have a private word with you?"

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