Chapter 31: Bathroom Shenanigans

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"... and that is why we should make healthcare free!" Frank finished proudly, as he sat sandwiched between you and Ray.

"He has a point, the Brits seem to be doing well with their stuff," Ray remarked.

"Imagine not having to pay for healthcare..." Mikey mumbled to himself, sitting on the floor of the hotel room.

"Healthcare is a human right," you pointed out, "so it should be free. The government should be paying the workers."

"Does the government pay for anything except for military stuff though?" Ray winced, scratching the back of his head.

"Apart from undercover FBI operations in South America to stop the spread of socialism, I don't think so," you answered dryly.

"Wh — you think they're behind that?" Mikey asked, somewhat shocked.

"Watergate happened, and the entire Iraq war is a farce to get more oil," you folded your arms, "I think it's pretty obvious what they're doing. They're just batshit terrified of socialism for some reason — well, if you put your mind to it, it's probably because it poses a threat to capitalism, and god forbid we question the status quo that oppresses us..."

"Right?" Frank nodded furiously in agreement, "We should start an insurrection!"

"What the hell are you all talking about?" Gerard questioned with a laugh, as he exited the toilet.

"Just... stuff," Ray replied with a nervous grin.

"Insurrections don't exactly sound like 'just stuff'," Gerard commented, making himself comfortable on the floor next to his brother.

"Yeah, well, I say it would be cool to try one," Frank decided.

"No, no, leave that to the republicans, it'll make them look bad," you assured.

"Ya think they'll do one?" Ray looked at you in curiosity.

"I know they'll do one," you spoke icily, recalling the 2021 Trump mob. "Eventually," you added quickly, to save yourself.

A glance in Gerard's direction, and you could see him staring back, thoughtful; he tilted his head, to ask, "Will that happen?", and you nodded in confirmation. He blinked in astonishment, before letting out a little snort of disbelief.

It was funny. Despite you and Gerard dating now, and the band knowing of it, it hadn't messed up your usual dynamic in the slightest, you all still shared a single brain cell when it came to hanging out with one another. You all just devolved into dumbasses, and that was something quite beautifully chaotic, you thought.

Just at that moment, Ray's pocket vibrated, prompting him to take out his phone, and have a look at who'd messaged him — "It's Brian, he says that there's a party downstairs and people are asking after us," he explained.

Mikey narrowed his eyes, "Isn't Bob already down there?"

"Yeah, but I guess we're wanted too," Ray shrugged, "do you wanna go?"

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