Chapter 19: Perfectionists Bring Out The Worst In Each Other

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The show was middling at best

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The show was middling at best. You still felt off from the events of yesterday, so you couldn't quite produce the same effect as usual, resulting in you just feeling even more shitty for giving a bad performance. Backstage once more, you were sadly eating some dinner that Harvey had ordered for you, while Ray sat opposite you; you were caught off guard when he slid something across the table to you.

"Which one d'ya want?" he asked kindly, gesturing to the two photos he'd taken of you and Gerard.

You observed them both, wrinkling your nose — the first one looked a little more friendly, while the other could certainly be interpreted as something else, due to the whole kissing thing. Not wanting Gerard to own the more romantically coded picture and feel awkward, you picked that one, and slid it into the pocket of your jacket.

Ray raised an eyebrow, "Interesting choice."

You gave him a look, before stuffing some food into your mouth with a grunt.

The guitarist sighed at your lack of response. "You really like him, huh?" he spoke, before taking a bite out of his burger.

At this point, you were so exhausted from denying it that you just nodded in disappointed confirmation. "You and Frank are the only ones who know, so please don't tell anyone," you pleaded.

"It's not my information to tell," Ray assured you, with a half-smile.

That comforted you to a certain extent, and you nodded weakly.

"But you should know that Lindsey seems pretty intent on dating him," he added, "so if you wanna make a move, you should make it soon."

You shrunk in on yourself, deciding not to tell him that you weren't planning on explaining yourself to Gerard at all. If Lindsey was 'intent on dating him', then that meant history was taking its rightful course, and you should just stay out of the way and let it happen. You'd already interfered far too much, and it was weighing heavily on your shoulders.

Sure, you really did love Gerard, especially after getting to know him as a person, but you weren't nearly selfish enough to disrupt his entire life. You weren't even meant to be here.

But you were now. So what if your presence was meant to have this effect?

Only one way to try and find out.

That night, you brought out your Ouija board, in the privacy of your hotel room, and sat on the floor, ready to communicate with the great unknown again. You placed your fingers on the planchette, and then spoke warily, "Hey. Again."

Nothing. Yet.

"So, I have a question," you continued, "if I'm here because I needed to improve my life, and have change, then does it matter if I affect the people around me?"

There was a slight pause — then the cursor moved, and you had to force yourself not to flinch.

I don't know. What do you think?

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