Chapter 23: The Surprise

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The four days that you took off were absolutely great

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The four days that you took off were absolutely great. You'd never felt so relaxed, so relieved — for the first time in months, you just put your feet up, and let the world get on with itself for a bit. You didn't go out much, apart from to get some fresh groceries, but you did end up going on one outing with Harvey, where you got to at last meet your manager's boyfriend, whose name was Kit.

By the time it was the 12th, you were substantially recharged, and ready to get back to business. Strangely enough, during the morning flight, you felt a slight tinge of excitement, eager to see the others again; in particular Gerard, but whatever. After a short journey, you were in Atlanta Georgia, and was checking in at the hotel.

You were just getting handed your keys, when a shout of your name caught your attention. You turned around, and broke into a smile at the sight of Frank and Ray rushing towards you — you waved, expecting just a casual greeting, but instead, the shorter of the two guitarists rushed at you, and basically rugby tackled you.

Honestly, getting roundhoused by Frank Iero hadn't been on your bucket list, but okay.

With an 'oomphf' you staggered backwards, barely keeping your balance, as Frank furiously squeezed your waist. "Where the fuck have you been?!" he shook you, "Jesus, you can't just disappear like that!"

"I told you what I was doing over text!" you argued through a wheeze.

"No excuse!" he denied. "I've had to deal with so many annoying people while you weren't here, do you fucking realise how racist and fucking ignorant Jimmy Urine is?!"

"I realise deeply," you mumbled, watching as Ray caught up to you both.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Ray questioned, genuinely concerned.

"Better," you replied truthfully. "Holidays work miracles. Well, it wasn't really a holiday as much as it was just sitting around on my ass."

"That sounds like a great healing experience, I'd love to do that," Ray nodded furiously, his hair bobbing.

You peeked over his shoulder when the door opened again, and Mikey and Bob were coming through the entrance. Mikey lit up at your appearance — well, it was the closest thing you'd ever seen to him being ecstatic — and he walked over quickly. "Hi," he greeted you, obviously trying to contain himself, still shy.

"Hi," you replied mildly.

"Are you... alright?" he asked meekly.

"Yeah, yeah I'm alright," you answered with a bemused sigh.

Bob gave you a half wave from the back, before he disappeared into the elevator; you blinked, then narrowed your eyes in slight confusion; despite him being a jackass, he still usually said hello to you whenever you hung out with his bandmates. So something was probably up with him.

But from the way Mikey loosened up when he saw that Bob was gone, you started to suspect that the tension was starting to rise between them.

Before you could ask the bassist about it, Frank finally disengaged himself from you, and gave you a little poke in the side; "Oh yeah, Gee's upstairs, in 402," he casually told you, "y'should go see him, he's been in pieces since you left."

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