Chapter 40: Cast No Shadow

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"Hey, hey! Could we ask a few questions, or get a statement from you?!"

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"Hey, hey! Could we ask a few questions, or get a statement from you?!"

You turned around in your place, and were met with a microphone, a camera and a very desperate looking interviewer. You stumbled back slightly from the shock but steadied yourself against the metal railings separating both of you; "Hi... what can I help you with?" you asked in slight confusion.

"Just... just a few quick questions!" the interviewer exclaimed, grabbing a sheet of paper and waving it excitedly. "Then — then we'll leave you to prepare for your concert!"

You paused, glancing around at the crowds of stage crew, who were moving around and getting things ready, then turned back to the interviewer with a small smile. "Alright. Uh, fire away," you chuckled a tad awkwardly.

Stupid TV stuff, you still weren't used to it.

"So! Your new album!" they began. "Uh, it's been getting good reviews so far. How do you feel about it?"

"I... I like it," you confirmed. "I daresay that I like it more than my other record. It might not exactly be as successful as my last, but I think I had more... creative control over the art direction this time."

"Oh that's very interesting! Your fans have been saying that it is very different from your last album."

(You resisted the urge to look right into the camera with a deadpan look, as if to say nonverbally, "that's 'cus I didn't even make that damn album".)

"In regard to the tour — how's that been so far?"

"Been very good. I'm glad to be giving the people what they want," you laughed slightly.

"And your guest appearances have definitely been a highlight so far! Getting half of Linkin Park on stage with you is a massive feat. Any more of those planned?"

"A couple of them. But I can't reveal anything yet, unfortunately."

"What about your husband? It's no secret that he's here with you — that's so devoted of him!"

"Well, it goes two ways. I stay with him on his tours, it's a mutual thing, y'know?"

"That's so sweet. Your husband; he's a musician too. What's that like? Do you two often collaborate?"

"He did help me produce my newest album, so... he's been a massive help actually. Yeah. He's incredibly talented."

"His name is... Gerard Way! Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance. Tell me, how did you two meet? Was your romance quick or slow? Who proposed first? Is he a good husband?"

"Uh... how is that... relevant?..."

"Sorry, sorry, uhm... let me rephrase that. You two seem very happy together."

"We are. He's one of the best things to ever happen to me."

"So is he planned to have a guest appearance? Please tell us! Many of your fans are dying to see you on stage together, surely you must've seen the frenzy of people who love you as a couple!"

"Well, I... I'm not sure if I can, uhm, con—"

"Hey! C'mon, prep time!"

You turned around slightly, and saw that Harvey was waving at you furiously from the doorway, his lanyard shaking from the force, to go backstage, clearly wanting you to get the hell over there as quickly as possible. You turned back to the camera apologetically and winced. "Sorry, got, uh, priorities."

"No, no, not at all!" the interviewer gave you one last massive grin. "Thank you for your time!"

You gave them a small wave goodbye, before rushing backstage and dashing through the door, checking your watch. Sprinting past the numerous people who were working in the hallways, you rushed up the stairs, down the corridor, and then burst through the door to the prep-room, panting slightly.

There sat your husband; he looked up at you, through his long black hair that was now definitely more reminiscent of his revenge-era style; his hazel eyes peered at you, and a welcoming smile stretched across his lips at your appearance. He turned to you, the silver of his wedding ring catching the light from above as he moved, and his jacket rustled slightly as he stood up and made his way over to you — he tilted his head at you, taking in your presence fondly for a moment.

"All okay?" Gerard asked in a chuckle, practically radiating affection. His hand reached out, and covered yours as it leaned against the doorframe, his face close to yours, not caring who saw.

You wheezed heavily for a second, catching your breath. A few seconds ticked by, and you didn't say anything — then, you raised your head and made eye contact — the most exhausted, happy grin spread across your mouth, and you let out a breathless laugh, and a tiny 'yeah'.

"... I'm okay now."

The End.

a/n: there we go :) thank you so much to everyone who stuck along for this whole thing. i love and appreciate you all more than you'll ever know. you mean so much to me. thank you once again for reading and so long and goodnight !

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