Chapter 33: We'll Meet Again

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Goodbyes were hard

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Goodbyes were hard. You'd never liked them, not one bit, despite being a reclusive hermit.

There was something about the utter finality of the moment that made you want to have a mental breakdown — like you'd somehow never see the person again, and they'd disappear off into the distance like a lost dream. Of course, those goodbyes never really happened too often, since you'd had so few people close to you in your life for them to leave.

But now it was going to happen. Your flight back to South Dakota was booked, and at seven this evening, after your show, you were going right back to Watertown. The notion was bittersweet, for you'd at last get to sit down and rest for a bit, but then again, you wouldn't be able to see Gerard at all, or the other many friends you'd made on the tour.

At least you had their contact info, there was a saving grace.

Yet as you sat in the van with Harvey, on your way to the last venue, in Greenwood Village, Colorado, you felt inescapably sad. You stared out of the window miserably, propping up your face with a hand.

"What's up?" Harvey questioned, from his position across from you, as he worked his way through a crossword puzzle.

You peered up at him, before uttering, "I didn't think about it at the moment, but if I move out of Watertown then I'll have to move away from you."

Harvey tilted his head in slight exasperation, before giving your forehead a light tap with his pen, "I'm just a phone call away, silly. Sure, I won't be able to tend to your every need all the time, but you'll have a support system around. Besides, didn't you already start looking at properties in Belleville yesterday?"

"Yeah, but," you looked at him helplessly, "I don't wanna leave you — and New Jersey is so far away from South Dakota. I can't even visit you easily."

He softened, "I'll still be here to help with the moving process. You'll still have me around for that part."

"That'll be like, a month or two at least right?" you sighed, "And from that logic, it's gonna take ages for me to actually get anywhere, since I need to decide on a house, and how not to get recognised, and then change my citizen docs... fuck, I shouldn't have done this on impulse."

"I'd argue you don't do enough on impulse, with the way you constantly overthink stuff," Harvey retorted, with a slight smile.

"Foul," you muttered sulkily. You paused to glance at him, hoping to see a flicker of something — "You could be a bit sadder that I'm going," you grumbled, folding your arms.

He put down the magazine, and gazed at you incredulously. "Of course I'm sad!" he exclaimed hotly, "You're the only client I've worked with that hasn't treated me like shit, and I see you as a friend rather than a person I work for. But I also think that you need a change, you've been stuck in Watertown for as long as I've known you, and from what I can tell, it's partially because of your mother, right?"

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