Chapter 14: Fuck It, You're My Boyfriend

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"Oh sweetie!" your mother gasped, rushing into the room, "I've finally found you! You have no idea how hard it was to navigate this place, and everyone was so rude to me as well!"

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"Oh sweetie!" your mother gasped, rushing into the room, "I've finally found you! You have no idea how hard it was to navigate this place, and everyone was so rude to me as well!"

"Mum," you took Ray's guitar off, and handed it to him, as you stood up, with a disbelieving frown, "I thought you weren't... coming until tomorrow."

"Well, I figured that it would be best to come now, since you're going to be performing soon, hmm?" she dismissed, spraying herself with perfume. "Honestly, the workers here kept telling me not to come back here, even though I told them that I'm your mother... the people here are just so rude and aggressive!"

"Mum," you repeated, pinching the bridge of your nose, "that's because I thought you were coming tomorrow, so that's what I told everyone. They weren't prepared for you, so of course they wouldn't just let you in."

"Why on earth did you tell them that?" she scoffed.

"Because that's what you told me!" you snapped.

There was a tense silence. Then she shook her head, and gave you a small pat on the shoulder, "Come now, my little star, there's no reason to get worked up. I'm here now, and that's what matters. Now, are you going to introduce me to all of your new friends?" she turned to the other men, who'd been staring in awkward silence.

"Err, Mum, these guys are kinda, like, professionals," you wheedled, trying to steer her towards the exit, "why don't I get you a seat in the backstage box so you can watch me perform? Since you've... turned up, all of a sudden."

"But I want to meet all your friends!" she protested, "Come on, you're not a teenager anymore, stop acting like I'm embarrassing!"

A manager appeared in the doorway awkwardly, obviously having followed her up here, but shut up as soon as he saw the rest of you — you made a pleading gesture with him to wait for a moment. He obliged, shuffling backwards and standing in the corridor, clearly confused as to why this random lady had barged in backstage with no security issues.

You peered back at the boys, and mouthed a 'sorry', to which Ray shook his head, and stood up; "It's nice to meet you," he held out a hand, giving you a reassuring smile. "I'm Ray."

"Ah, see? I'm not that bad, am I?" your mother boasted, before shaking Ray's hand, "It's lovely to meet you. I'm glad to know that my baby hasn't been wallowing like a hermit, and has actually gone out into society."

Your face twisted into a humiliated grimace, and Frank had to hide his amusement at your pained countenance. "I'm not a hermit," you hissed, folding your arms defensively.

"But sweetie, you hated leaving your room," she innocently looked at you, batting her eyelashes. "You never wanted to go to any of the events I took to you! You kicked your legs and made such a fuss, it was really quite embarrassing for me."

You wanted to die.

Frank let out a tiny squeak of held back laughter, drawing all attention to him; your mother jumped him next. "If that is a friend, then you must be another," she exclaimed, "thank you for taking care of my little star."

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