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3rd Person POV:

"Helloooo! Is anyone there?"


Your voice echoed through the cold halls as you shouted, waiting for a response.

Your grip on your coat tightened as you felt the cold breeze on your skin. Even though you were in a building, you could feel the cold wind on your skin somehow. Slowly making its way to the end of the hallway, if there is an end though...

You decided to start walking in a fast pace, because you thought you'd get colder if you stayed in place. Then, you started walking through the empty halls, hoping to find an exit...

As you started walking, you saw something on the ground in the distance, you slowly made your way to it and picked it up. It was a gun. It had the same designs with the ones the Cryo gunner Legionnaires use. Something inside you told you you'll need it for later. After all, you have to trust your instincts, right? You slowly picked it up while eyeing the rest of the hallway to see if someone was watching you picking the gun up.

The walls were decorated beautifully, the wallpapers were quite extraordinary. The background was black, but had crimson red flowers on it. The flowers had four leaves and a circle on each leaf. There were shiny golden lines connecting every flower with each other. The flowers reminded you of a symbol. A very familiar symbol...


Looking at the ceiling, the chandeliers caught your attention first. The crystals attached to the chandeliers were shining so aesthetically! Although, it was pretty hard for you to observe the details of the chandeliers since the ceiling was high up there. Very very high up!

You saw a lot of chandeliers on the way while walking. They were pretty elegant, they had crystals hanging everywhere. The crystals would kind of sway every time the breeze blew. In other words, they were not even close to the ones you saw at your world. There were big golden chains keeping them attached to the ceiling. They looked fragile and thin, you were kind of hesitant walking under them but you had no other choice so you stopped thinking negatively and continued walking.

'I'll never smile again, until i smile at you~.'

You started humming the first song that came up to your mind out of boredom.

'I'll never laugh again... What good would it do~?'

'For tears... would fill my ey-'

You stopped moving and humming as soon as you heard footsteps, coming from behind.

"Uh... Hello...? Is someone there?" You said as you turned to the direction where the voice came from.

"My heart... would realize, that our romance is through."

As soon as you heard the man continue that song, your heart started beating fast, so fast and loud that you could hear it yourself... His humming voice, his footsteps, your heartbeat. It was all mixed together. Your head was starting to spin out of nowhere.

You stood there as the footsteps continued to approach you; unsure of what to do, unsure of anything... All of a sudden, the cold breeze hit you again, harsher this time...

You started running after hearing the footsteps get louder and closer to you.

You were running without even looking back to see the person who was walking behind you, he was still continuing to hum. The gun was in your coat's left pocket. You were holding the gun in your pocket since you were pretty afraid of dropping it.

You kept running and running. You saw darkness in the distance. You thought it was a corner of the hallway and continued running. You fastly made your way to it.

It took you a minute to realize that this was the end of the hallway.

Your head was mixed with thoughts. You couldn't think normally. Is this some kind of stupid dream? Nothing made sense...

You leaned against the wall. You got the gun out of your coat's pocket and held it with both of your hands. The gun was very heavy, you wondered how the Cryo gunner Legionnaires held it every time they tried to attack someone.

You shivered as you heard the footsteps get closer. The cold was making your fingers go numb. It was getting harder and harder to stand on your legs.

You widened your eyes as you saw the dark figure standing in the distance.

"Gnh.. Do n-NOT come closer... Or i'll shoot!"

He acted like he didn't hear you as he continued his steps.

"I said... DON'T!"

He stopped. He stopped moving.

He stared at you for a while.

And then, he turned his attention to one of the chandeliers above you.

He glanced at you again. He was smiling creepily at you.

You were still holding the gun at him, unsure of what he'll do. All you could do was just stand there and point the gun.

He let out a small chuckle.

You felt like you couldn't stand on your legs anymore. Before collapsing, you thought it'd be safer if you could shoot him. You finally pulled the trigger.



'It didn't work...?'

"Pfft... Hah..."

A mocking and humiliating giggle left his lips, making you feel even more pathetic and hopeless.

You couldn't help but get scared even though you were sure this was all a stupid dream, a stupid joke. While your brain was full of weird thoughts, your legs gave in.


And just like that, you sat on the cold ground. You couldn't even feel the coldness because all of your limbs were numb.

You were looking at him with hopeless eyes. What was he even planning to do to you?

While you continued to look at him with fear, he looked back at the chandelier above you.

He broke the scary slience with:


as he snapped his fingers.

There was the sound of iron friction coming from somewhere. You slowly turned your eyes to where the man was looking. He was still staring at the chandelier above you. And all of a sudden, your eyes widened and you felt your soul leave your body.

You saw the chandelier falling towards you with a loud noise.




★ 𝘜𝘕𝘛𝘐𝘓 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘉𝘙𝘌𝘈𝘒, Il Dottore.Where stories live. Discover now