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Y/N's PoV:

My throat went dry as soon as i heard his voice so demanding and threatening. I slowly turned my heels and faced him, trying my best to look intimidating but failing miserably in the process. I slowly opened my mouth to defend me and Alice with an excuse while my hands went up in the air by themselves before i waved them both dismissively,

"S—sir, we don't wanna be a burd-"

"Dear, you are no burden to me. I would like to get to know my people as well. What kind of a leader would i be without valuing my people?"

I swallowed my saliva slowly and carefully. His tone was so, so sarcastic and so realistic at the same time. It was hard to tell if he was mocking us or genuinely interested in getting to know us.

"Sir... I—We—"

"I will be upstairs if you excuse me, i am certainly not fond of waiting." 

—And with that, he made his way to upstairs and he waved his hand at the agents, and that made them stay in place and not follow him upstairs.

-Guess that means we had no choice.

I took a short look at Alice who seemed to stress a bit, i squeezed her hand to make her feel reassured somehow but it didn't seem like it worked. 

Horrible thoughts lingered through my mind as i stared at the stairs that lead to the second floor. Maybe he knew that we ran away from the Zapolyarny Palace? Maybe, he knew that Il Dottore was looking for us—No,

—for me.

I tensed at the thought, we just got away from the palace, it'd be disappointing to be caught this easily...

I slowly moved my feet, being very hesitant to do so. As much as i didn't want to get closer to one of the harbingers, i had to. I turned my attention to Alice who stood just right next to me. I didn't know what to say, all i could do was flash her an expression that screamed 'I'm sorry'  to her. In return, she gave me a reassuring smile, a smile that said 'It's gonna be fine'... I felt more comfortable, now i know she is feeling fine. 

I continued on my tracks as slow as i could, though i did not want to anger the oh-so-mighty 9th harbinger. I saw the waitress from earlier shoot me a look of noticeable shock and curiosity as well as admiration. It was quite weird, we were probably caught escaping the Zapolyarny Palace and she was staring at us with admiration?—

I brushed all the thoughts away and continued my way to upstairs while holding Alice's hand.


When we made it to the upstairs, some maids were on standing on both sides of the entrance of the unnecessarily large room. There was a single but fancy and long table in the middle of the room, only the first seat being taken. The table had 3 cups on top of it. One on the right of the taken seat, and one on the left. It seemed like we were meant to be sat there. I unintentionally approached the table with Alice beside me, our hands slowly parting apart as she went for the right seat as i did for the left.

—I sat down with discomfort as i stared at the man on my right side, shivers running down my spine as i do so. I squirmed on my chair until i averted my attention to the one who was sitting in front of me. She was clicking her nails on the side of her cup to silence the silence itself with noises. Her eyes didn't move in the process, making me bite the insides of my cheek because of guiltiness. I was startled by a voice as my eyes started to stare into nothingness. 

★ 𝘜𝘕𝘛𝘐𝘓 𝘠𝘖𝘜 𝘉𝘙𝘌𝘈𝘒, Il Dottore.Where stories live. Discover now