10. Old Lady Dance Party

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The party got more relaxed as the evening went on. The kids ran around the yard until they wore themselves out, the adults scattered throughout the yard and the house. Bucky had put a lot of effort into the details. Nothing crazy, just thoughtful.

Extra seating was borrowed from neighbors, strings of lights crisscrossed the yard, and there was no shortage of things to eat and drink. Sam had set up a tiki-themed bar in the kitchen, where he held court playing mixologist and trying not to make a complete mess. Wanda set up a movie in one of the guest rooms for the kids when they got tired. Everyone had a safe ride home or place to stay in the house.

The "elder stateswomen" of the crowd, namely Zoe, Pepper, and Sarah, were entertaining themselves playing DJ. The music kept switching from Zoe's 70s and 80s favorites to Pepper and Sarah's more recent girls night standards.

It was a toss up between Zoe and Scott who the worst dancer was, but that just added to the fun. Bucky hung back and laughed watching his friends, even though he was a hell of a dancer back in his day, he didn't care much for how people danced now. He was content to just observe, until Zoe popped on her favorite slow number, "Love Song" by The Cure. Slow dancing hadn't changed, thankfully. As they danced together in their living room, surrounded by their friends and chosen family, he couldn't stop smiling at her.

"What are you staring at?" Zoe asked, self conscious as always. "Do I have something on my face?"

"No, Zoe, you look beautiful." He grinned at her. "Just trying to memorize everything about this moment, that's all."

"God, Barnes! Are you trying to make me cry again?" Zoe looked away for a second to catch herself. "Thank you, for everything. I still can't believe all of this. You've really outdone yourself today..."

"Thank you for not murdering me for it." He teased and kissed her nose. "Don't want to know what the crew's wager was on that one..."

"Whatever." She snorted. "They're just jealous that the weirdo girl got the hot guy."

"Hey, that's my fiancé you're talking about!" He chuckled. "And she's the best, don't make me fight you on her birthday!"

"Wouldn't dream of it, tough guy." She smiled and kissed him sweetly, causing Sam to yell.

"Get a room you two!" Sam hooted. "Preferably not my room!"

"Shut up Sam!" Zoe and Bucky yelled back at him and laughed.

As the song ended, their friends clapped and made inappropriate remarks, a slightly overwhelmed Bucky excused himself for some air. Another one of Zoe's "old lady dance party" favorites by Depeche Mode came on and she immediately grabbed Sarah and Pepper to dance, then latched onto Wanda's hand and dragged MJ behind her to include them in the fun.

As the women were dancing and loudly singing along, Sam laughed and clapped a hand on Bucky's shoulder. "You sure you wanna marry that weird old lady who can't dance for shit?"

"More than anything, Sam." Bucky smiled and patted Sam's hand. "I'd do it right this second if she'd let me."

"I still hate you, though." Sam chuckled.

"Hate you, too." Bucky laughed and surprised Sam with a hug. "Thanks, Sam."

Thankfully, Sam had not screwed up getting the cake, showing mercy on Zoe by not covering it in too many candles. While everyone was hanging out, eating copious amounts of sweets, and generally enjoying themselves, the newest member of the crew started asking questions.

"So tell me, friend of my sestra, how did you get mixed up with this broken old man?" Yelena asked between forkfuls of cake. "He does not tend to make sensible life choices as a general rule, how did you get in there?"

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