16. Destination Weddings Are The Worst

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"Do you really think she'll go for it?" Sam sighed into the phone. "She's been pretty vocal about not doing anything too crazy."

"I don't know, Sam, that's why I'm asking you, dumbass!" Bucky huffed on his end. "I spoke to T'Challa this morning, and he was pretty adamant about us at least letting them throw a party when we're there. How do you say no to a fucking king?"

"Try her." Sam quipped. "Have you told her about the trip at least?"

"I was going to tonight. Today was the last day of my internship, so it was kind of part of the wrap up." Bucky was petrified to even mention it, if he was being honest. "I was sorta hoping I could tell her he insisted on flying us over as a graduation/birthday/wedding present, so she won't freak out."

"You guys can totally afford to go to Wakanda, it's not like it's about that, right?" Sam asked. He knew how nervous Zoe got accepting big gifts. He was the same way. He chalked it up to growing up without a ton of money, but wondered how his Depression-era friend was so okay with it. "You guys are okay in that department, right? Not that it's any of my business, but she's not freaking out because you're broke, is she?"

"Far from it." Bucky knew where her hang ups about money came from, he had similar ones, they both grew up less than rich. "Between her multiple salaries and how smart she is with investing, she actually doesn't need to work half as much if she doesn't want to. Plus I have my VA pension and the power of compounding interest on the old account I had back in the 40s, so we're in excellent shape. She likes to tell me that I could afford to live another 100 years at this rate..."

"So it's not the money, that's good." Sam tried to be encouraging. "What's the biggest issue she has about this potential destination wedding?"

"Calling it a destination wedding, first off..." Bucky sighed. "She hates the idea of any sort of fancy destination wedding, in fact, I believe her exact words were 'destination weddings are the fucking worst.' You know how she is. She doesn't want to inconvenience anyone. And she feels guilty knowing that not everyone we love might be able to swing a trip to Africa just to see us get hitched. Even when I've offered to pay the way of anyone who might not be able to afford it, she tells me it's not the point. What am I missing here?"

"You already said it, man." Sam chuckled. "She doesn't want to inconvenience anyone, including you. What the hell do you have to say to her to make her believe you're not going to run away? Come on, we all know you'll never do better than her, fucking look at you!"

"Thanks, Sam. You always know just what to say." Bucky laughed.

"It's a gift." Sam chirped. "Seriously, if she's worried about people not being able to make it, or too proud to let T'Challa cover things, or whatever else is bothering her about this, keep it simple, Tinman. Fucking elope and just go party in Wakanda for the fun of it, not because you have to get married there. Why do you two make everything so damn difficult?"

"But if we eloped, what about you? What about Sarah and the boys?" Bucky asked. "She'd be so upset if you guys weren't there."

"So come on down and do it in Louisiana." Sam offered. "It's not the fucking royal palace of Wakanda, but it's where your family is."

"That is an excellent idea..." Bucky thought more about how much easier it would be that way. "Holy shit, Sam, you're a genius!"

"This is what I've been saying for years, man!" Sam laughed heartily. "Let me know how it goes, and I promise not to say anything to my sister. You think Shuri's bad..."

"Thanks, Sam." Bucky looked at the time. "She's gonna be home soon, I should go."

"Just let me know if I need to mow the lawn, alright?" Sam chuckled. "Hate you both."

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