13. Extremely Fancy Friends

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Two days later, Zoe and Bucky found themselves standing awkwardly in the lobby of the Ritz Carlton, waiting for their Wakandan friends. Though it was a weekday, Shuri had insisted on brunch "like real Californians." As they looked around their opulent surroundings, the jokes were endless.

"So this is definitely the place we should get hitched, right?" Bucky nudged her arm. "Subtle, understated, extremely affordable..."

"I don't know, there's not enough obvious plastic surgery among the staff for my taste." she deadpanned. "I really want to feel the insencerity oozing out of those around me. Makes me feel really good about myself, you know?"

"Totally." He smirked. "Like, where's the fun in faces that move? If I wanted to see genuine emotion, I'd stay home with my dog..."

"You think they're actually robots, don't you?" she was starting to chuckle. "Cold, calculating, plotting world domination..."

"Nah, robots would be ruthlessly efficient." He laughed. "Did you see how long it took that last couple checking in? Five whole minutes! No tip for them!"

"You fucking kill me, Barnes." Zoe laughed. "Thank you for finding this as ridiculous as I do." she kissed his cheek.

"Are you kidding? Where I'm from, you only saw stuff like this in the movies." He shook his head. "Then through the years, I only saw the real thing when depraved dictators or corrupt secret shit was involved. Some of those Soviet oligarchs could give Bond villains a run for their money..."

"I bet." Zoe agreed. "What about Wakanda? That sounds like some of the fanciest shit on the planet."

"Sure, but it's mixed with history, tradition, and there is more than enough to go around." He thought about it for a second. "It really is the most beautiful place in the world. I can't wait for you to see it one of these days."

Just then, their friends emerged from a private elevator. As the women approached, other hotel guests gawked while the staff just paid quiet deference to their most important clients of the moment. Shuri ran up giggling, like she wasn't the crown princess of one of the wealthiest and most secretive countries in Africa, with Ayo smirking beside her.

"Look at all these silent white people!" Shuri laughed loudly. "Did you stun them or something, White Wolf?"

As she said this, a few of the guests and staff took a second look at Bucky, and realized that they had unknowingly been in the presence of an Avenger this whole time.

"Shhhh! Don't give away all my secrets, Princess!" He joked as he kissed her cheek.

"Admit it, you love the attention, you big ox!" Ayo laughed in his direction as she hugged Zoe. "Now where are you taking your fancy friends for brunch? I expect no less than avocados on everything, including the coffee."

"You think they don't actually do that?" Zoe laughed. "Tell them about the time you accidentally ordered vegan pastrami, James!"

"We don't talk about that dark time." he deadpanned. "Seriously, not even a warning? My New York heart broke forever that day..."

"Uh huh, whatever you say, tough guy who eats meatless most of the time if I'm cooking..." Zoe laughed and patted his shoulder. "We'll get him off the Depression-era diet one of these days..."

"Hey, we ate whatever we had, and we fucking liked it!" He protested. "Meat and potatoes are the foundation of a healthy diet, whiskey makes you strong, and smoking is good for your nerves, so says the war board."

"Yeah, and most of your buddies died of heart attacks, stroke, or lung cancer, genius." Zoe rolled her eyes. "We are definitely going somewhere vegetarian today, thanks for making the decision for us!"

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