12. Clearing The Air

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The next morning, Zoe got up to walk the dog and found Yelena and MJ quietly having coffee on the back patio.

"Why are you up so early?" She asked as the dog started running around the yard. "I didn't wake you, did I?" She had been up tossing and turning for hours, obsessing over what happened at the party.

"No, Lady Terminator, I was up, then this one came down and became my new bestie by showing me where you hide the coffee." Yelena smirked over her cup at MJ. "Is it too early to wake the rest of the house?"

"No, but would you two maybe like to join me for some breakfast at the diner down the street?" Zoe asked, not feeling like cooking. "Or we could just eat leftover cake."

"Both sound good. Should we wake the guys at least?" MJ asked. "Peter is way easier to wake up than Bucky, so it shouldn't take long."

"Nah, fuck it. Let's go without them." Zoe laughed. "You think Wanda will be offended if we don't wake her up?"

"I think she will get over it." Yelena snickered. "She can have the bird man make her breakfast, he seems to do anything she tells him, no?"

"Totally." Zoe chuckled. "Give me a minute to feed the dog, then we can go."

The three women sat in a booth, waiting for their food, uncomfortably avoiding eye contact so they didn't have to talk about the previous night.

"Okay, first of all, I am not mad at you, Yelena, for bringing up me and Steve." Zoe decided to rip the bandaid off. "And MJ, it sounds like I owe you a serious thank you for scaring the shit out of Scott Lang for me."

"He really is an idiot." MJ huffed. "Seriously, I am so sorry about what happened last night. That was so inappropriate of him."

"And I cannot apologize enough for my part." Yelena added. "My sestra said my mouth has a mind of it's own"

"Both of you stop." Zoe cut them off. "It's not how I would've wanted people to find out, but what's done is done. It's actually kind of freeing, not having to hide that part of my life from you guys. So in a totally fucked up way, thanks?"

"Just to be clear, there were no other potential secrets in the files, right?" MJ asked with a raised eyebrow. "She's not actually radioactive or anything, right?"

"Nope. Just that she is a woman who likes to lay with very very very old men." Yelena laughed. "Sorry, Lady Terminator, it's so funny."

"When you say it like that, it sounds even more disturbing..." Zoe shook her head, snickering. "Also, 'lay with'? Seriously?"

"Sorry, I should say fucks the weird old soldiers?" Yelena laughed harder. "Sucks the shriveled old..."

"Enough!" Zoe laughed. "Other people are trying to eat in this establishment...god, you sound just like her."

"Thank you? Sestra liked to talk about old man dick, too?" Yelena smirked. "Sounds like Natalia."

"Sure, but really it's more the giving me shit part." Zoe smiled. "She was a world-class pain in my ass, and it was awesome."

"She was the ultimate bad ass." MJ piped up. "So fucking cool."

"I guess, but she's also very fucking dead, so I suppose it's my turn to be the ultimate bad ass." Yelena said wistfully. "Ooh! The food is here! Look at all the hot sauce! What is this green one? So yummy!"

"Who knew all it took was condiments to make a terrifying Russian assassin say 'yummy'?" MJ smirked.

"I can kill you with this toast, nerd girl." Yelena deadpanned through a mouthful of food.

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