Chapter 43: Red flowers

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TW: Mentions of bullying and war


"Hello, what can I do for you?"

"I'd like to buy some of your bags." George smiled at the woman infront of him.

When he had explored the little town, he had found a little shop, which selled human things like glass for luck. After taking a closer look at it, he had noticed some human bags in there and decided that it was probably the best way of covering Dreams extra fins and scales up.

After picking out some greenish bags, George had gotten into a little trouble. He had forgotten that he didn't have anything worth trading on him. Shit, where's my dad when you need him?

"You gonna pay for it?", the lady asked annoyedly. "Uhm... actually... I..."

"Don't worry, I'll pay for him!", a voice called out from behind. A girl, who had just entered the shop, came over to them and handed the lady a few flowers. "Is that enough?"
"Yeah..." The lady mumbled and muttered something that sounded a lot like "Weirdos..."

"Come on, don't listen to her!" The girl grabbed George's hand and pulled him out of the shop. Once they were outside she let go of him again.

"Thanks for helping me out there." George smiled and looked a little closer at the girl. She had brown hair and was wearing a crown made out of strange red flowers George had never seen before. On her back spread a little extra pair of fins and her main fin was very small and the same red as the flowers on her back. She didn't really look like a mermaid at all.

"What do need those bags for?", she asked. George didn't answer her question, instead he said: "You're... not a mermaid, are you?"

The girls shoulders sank. "No... I'm a tribrid. I have merfolk, nature spirit and something else, probably fairy, in my genes."

"Wait, really?!" Hybrids and tribrids were really rare and George had never seen one, even though unlike the sirens they were considered acceptable. Most still didn't accept them though and they were bullied and robbed a lot.

The girl looked a bit scared after confessing her species to him. George smiled. "That's great!" "Really?!" The girl beamed. "Of course! I'm George by the way." "Hannah Rose. Nice to meet you!" "Nice to meet you too!"

"Hey, how come you're not with the other men?"

George's brows furrowed in confusion. "What do mean?" Hannah looked at him, shocked. "You can't be from that far away to not know that!" George just shrugged. Hannah stared at him.
"Uh... we're at war?!"

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