Chapter 68: Empty

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During the next few days, George realized how much time he had actually spend with Dream. Not having him around hurt way worse than George would have expected.

He tried convincing himself that it was for the best. He had always considered the siren and his feelings for him a burden, but now that the burden was gone, it's empty place seemed to be much more of a burden.

George caught himself staring at Dream more and more often, wishing it was him when he was talking to someone else, thinking about what Dream would say in certain situations.

It really got on George's nerves, to the point where he considered talking to the siren again, just so his emotions would stop getting in his way so much. But he would never admit defeat against a siren.

He had never expected himself to take part in the war and now he was in the middle of it and it hurt so much more than Geprge would have ever imagined. It was like a part of him was just gone, missing.

Truely astonishing what a potion could do. Then again, deep inside George felt like it wasn't a potion. Could feelings this strong really be magicially created? But there was no other explanation for the mermaid prince to fall for a siren, right?

Sirens attracted potential mates by singing. Mermaids weren't attracted through by singing though. Maybe if he could get Dream to sing for him, his senses would realize they were different species and stop acting like they could ever have a future together. A future...

What did the future hold for the two of them? They'd arrive at the battleground, George would stop his father and everything would go back to normal... right?

But the "normal" George had know had never involved Dream. Could he really bear never seeing him again? Even though they weren't talking to eachother, seeing one another was inevitable. And as much as George hated to admit it, he liked glancing at Dream every once in a while, check on him and make sure he was taking care of himself.

Which he wasn't that much, George realized. Ever since their fight, the siren had barely eaten enough to stay alive and he had stopped sneaking out to go hunting.

As a carnivore, he needed things he could only get from living creatures and missing those clearly affected him. His hair and scales had lost their shimmer and his skin started becoming grey.
And he hadn't smiled in days.

George had to use all his strenght to not swim over to him and make sure he was taking care of himself well. Couldn't that stupid siren do anything on his own? George wasn't his babysitter, Dream was a grown man, he should be able to survive on his own!

But George felt responsible for his situation, it couldn't have been a coincidence that all these peoblems occured after they had stopped talking.

Could the fact that his plan hadn't worked really affect Dream that much? Or was there something else George didn't know?

Deep inside, he still hoped it hadn't all been a game, but these thoughts were childish...


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