Chapter 119: Soon

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TW: Mentions of War and it's Results, Mentions of Neglection



It was a simple word, yet the water in the room suddenly felt so much colder, none of the servants or knights dared to move a muscle.


The king was sitting on his ornate throne, as always. To anyone else, he must have looked like an intimidating powerful ruler of a kingdom of dangerous creatures, but to Dream he just looked ridiculous. All he could see was an old man on an overly decorated chair that could feed a family of four for almost a year if sold.

Dream had been thinking about his situation for a long time and finally decided he couldn't wait for George.

He had thought about what Wilbur had said, what he had promised himself. To be a good king. And although he wasn't king yet, he probably held one of the highest, most influencial positions in the kingdom.

His people were suffering, during his tunnel mapping adventures he had heard the sirens outside talking about how their fathers, sons and brothers had been forced to join the army because of the war.

The male population in the capital city was the last step, it meant the others from all over the kingdom had already arrived. The king's glorious army had been assembled and it was only a matter of time until actual fights would errupt.

The war had always been more of a hypothetical concept to Dream, something that was always there in the back of his mind, a problem that needed to be taken care of soon, but not within days. He had failed his rebellion, he realized, it's sole purpose had been to stop an actual battle from ever taking place and now it was going to happen.

He didn't know when exactly, but definetly soon. There were still some casualties to take care of and soldiers to be trained and he had heard there was trouble with equipment and such, but the battle couldn't be more than a few weeks away at best.

He had to do something.

There was no time to think everything through now and admittedly, it was a risky decision, but Dream couldn't bear to keep on quietly sitting in the corner of his father's meetings while his people were suffering just outside the castle walls.

And if his voice wasn't heard here, he would have to find a place where reaching people would be easier, or so he hoped. And now that both kingdom's armies were assembling and organizing themselves, what better place was there?

"I want to join the army."

As the rebellion was planning to do anyway, he was going to infiltrate the forces from within, maybe he could even support his friends' mission.

Because you can't fight a war without an army to get their hands and fins dirty for you, father.

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