Chapter 51: The camp

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Hi guys! How are you today? :) Sorry for the late update!

By the way, what do you think about my Chris -> Connor idea? (Check my profile if you don't know what I'm talking about)

And yes, fish can smell things, I googled it to be safe



What if something happened to him? Worried, Dream swam in the direction in which George had swam. He wouldn't have just left without me, right? Oh Neptune, what if this is my fault?

A few hours of worried swimming around later, Dream realized he was completely lost. Awesome. Now how was he supposed to find George?

A smell made him look up. Food! True, he hadn't eaten since they had left Merville and he was starving. But what if George was in trouble? Then again, hungry and tired, he wouldn't be able to help much.

Eh, fuck it, he thought and followed the smell.

Soon, he arrived at a hill. The smell came from behind it. He hadn't hunted since... he couldn't remember. He had never really had to, because as a prince food wasn't really a problem. But his mother had taught him some things a long time ago. His mother...

No, not right now. Now he was hungry and needed to focus on his food. Hopefully it hadn't smelled him yet. Dream ducked in what he thought was a great hunter position, waited a second, jumped... and crashed face forward into a wall of seaweed. His teeth sank into it. Disgusted, he pulled them out, creating a huge hole in it.

"Hey, what the fuck!", someone inside yelled.

Wait a second, inside? Dream  swam around the seaweed and realized he had bitten into a tent made out of seaweed and sticks. A few more of those were on the small opening in front of him.

The smell came from a bunch of different sea plants floating in the middle. A guy with blonde hair, a white tail and a golden amulet around the neck was giving them out to a bunch of guys.

Now he had noticed Dream and came over to him, after making sure someone else would continue his give away.

"Who are you and what do you think you're doing?", he asked rather harshly.

Dream looked into his eyes that had the clour of the cloudless sky fearlessly. "My name is Dream, I'm looking for my friend", he answered honestly. "Well, you won't find him here", the guy answered.

"What is this anyway, summer camp?" "Isn't that obvious?", the guy replied, "We're the men of Merville, send to serve in the war."

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