Chapter 92: Almost

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TW: Cursing, Mentions of Murder


George regretted his decision only a few seconds after he made it, but judging by how relieved and exited Dream looked he wouldn't be able to take it back anymore. Well, looks like we're getting murdered today, George thought sarcastically. Of course he would do anything to prevent that.

When they arrived at the end of the tunnel, George realized a few things.

Firstly, he lived in the castle. Secondly, he was the prince. Thirdly, Dream would find out. Fourthly, the castle was about a thirty minute swim from where they were. Fithly, he didn't know the way. And lastly, he was fucked. Awesome.

"So where do you live?", Dream joyful voice cut in. "Uhm..." George decided to leave that question unanswered for now.

He looked around and spotted a small shop selling cloaks and other stuff just a few sunfish away.
"Which one of us is going?", Dream mumbled from behind him, signalising that he had seen it aswell.

George turned around. Trying to hide the fact that that was actually a good question given the fact that they had entered the capital city where people might recognize him, he hissed: "Me, of course! You're the siren! Seriously, is getting me safely back home really worth getting killed?"

Dream took his new mask off and smiled. "Yeah."

George was taken aback. That sounded so sincere... He felt his face light up in a bright red and quickly turned away. "Idiot."

The siren grabbed his face and turned it towards him. "Don't hide your embarressment, it's adorable", he whispered, his face not even a finger's lenght away from George's. The merman could see every freckly on his face.

He expected loud alarm sounds to shrill inside his head, screaming: "He's a siren! He's a siren!" But nothing like that happened. He just felt... content.

Even though he had not agreed to this, George didn't care. For some reason, no matter how forbidden it was, it felt... good. Right.

George felt himself get lost in the siren's mesmerizing bright green eyes that were looking at him so warmly and adoringly, filled with so much... love? Was that possible?

Dream's softly curved lips had tilted upwards into a smile that made George melt instantly. He felt the siren's warm hands around his waist and his tail slowly moving next to George's.

In that perfect moment right there in the shady exit of the wierd tunnel system below the two kingdoms, George realized that he had fallen for Dream, the siren, and that this effect was irreversable.

Whatever he had always told himself to stay away from him, suddenly nothing mattered anymore.

Completely caught up in the moment, George slowly closed his eyes and waited for his lips to be met with Dream's.

But they didn't.

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