Chapter 100: Duty or Love?

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Whoo! I can't believe this! We're already on 100!

I was thinking that maybe we could make two chapters into one, because of the 200 chapter limit on Wattpad. What are your thoughts on this?

TW: Mentions of War


A few beams of moonlight were lighting up the empty market place. Well, the almost empty market place. One merman was crossing it, his face was hidden by the hood of his cloak.

It hadn't been easy for George to sneak out of the castle, especially with everyone swarming around him because of his long absence. But he couldn't just stand Dream up, not after everything.

His head was still spinning from what the siren had said a day before. Had he really meant it the way everybody had interpreted? If yes, what did it mean?

Nothing, probably. His father was right, there was no realistical future for them as a couple. Right...?

What about friendship? George wasn't sure himself with what kind of intentions he was going to meet Dream. When he had left the castle, he had wanted to tell him that they would stay as friends, but wasn't that almost the same as lovers in this situation? They would meet up in secret all the time, it wouldn't work out.

Maybe this was a mistake. But George couldn't go about his day like he used to, trying to forget everything that had happened would feel like betraying Dream, who had been such a huge help.

Perhaps they could work it out together. He had gotten too far now to turn back. Then again, George knew once he'd see the siren, he wouldn't be able to think clearly anymore.

So what to do? If he kept on seeing Dream, they would eventually be caught and it was against his father's wishes. It was against everything, actually. Over all the nervewracking events he had almost forgotten his friend was a siren. A siren, with who'se country they were currently in a war with.

If he repressed his feelings...

...that would never work. He would never be able to forget that siren. He owed it to him and... this kind of feeling... it was irreplaceable. George couldn't imagine there was anyone in the whole ocean who could ever make him feel that way.

What if once he let go of him, he would regret it for the rest of his life? Because if there was anything he had to admit about Dream, it was that he and everything that had happened in the last few months, which had been more than in all the years before that together, were unforgettable.

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