Chapter 69: Sharing a Tent

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TW: Cursing


"I want to share a tent with George."

Punz' eyebrow perked up. "Are you sure? I thought you two weren't talking to eachother", he reminded him. Dream chuckled nervously. "Well... if we spend more time with one another, maybe we'll make up."

Punz sighed. "Alright." "Thanks!" Dream grinned. Although he knew this idea was stupid and could go terribly wrong, he wanted to leave no possibility open. He still didn't understand what he did, but maybe George would tell him if he was under too much pressure.

All Dream wanted was for George to look at him the way he used to, eyes filled with happiness, excitement and joy. And he'd do anything for that, he realized.

After he had discovered how important the merman actually was to him - that he loved him - Dream had planned to do everything in his power and beyond to keep him close. To make George forgive him. To build a powerful friendship or possibly even more.

Dream knew these thoughts were foolish. He was a siren. The fact that they had been together so long and even started to have some sort of bond was already beyond everything they had both been taught was possible. To hope there could be even more... simply stupid.

But hadn't sirens always been surprising and unpredictable? And couldn't a man still dream?

After his visit at Punz', Dream immediatly went to go pick up his stuff. As much as he liked Fundy, the merman could get annoying at times and snored and Dream was actually looking forward to not having to be around him so much. Besides, he was a funny guy and all, but not half as important as George.

George was in his tent, minding his own business when Dream arrived. He quickly his somthing under his covers and hissed a very welcoming: "The fuck are you doing here?!"

Dream, seemingly uncaring, dropped his covers that were just giant leaves of some soft plant he had found during their journey on the sand floor.
"What do you mean? I sleep here", he said innocently, silently celebrating their first interaction since exactly four days, seven hours and twelve minutes (he had been counting).

"No, you do not!" George's reply sounded more like a demand than a fact. "Yes, I do. It was Punz' idea", Dream answered, hoping the merman wouldn't go to said man to confirm this lie.

George's jaw dropped. "He can't be serious! I will not share a tent with a siren", he exclaimed angrily before realizing what he had just said. "I-I didn't mean to-"

A head perked through the curtains.

"A what?!"

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