Chapter 102: Soft

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Warning: a little spicy, but don't worry, nothing serious

TW: Cursing


"Dream?" George nervously fidgeted with his fingers as he looked into the dark opening in front of him. Dream was nowhere to be seen. Yeah, there's no way I'm going alone, George thought. Who knows what's in there?

All of a sudden, a hand covered his mouth. Instinctively, George attemted to fight back, but whoever it was was a lot stronger than him.

"Woah, calm down, princess, it's just me", a familiar voice whispered into his ear. Then the person let go of him.

"Dream, what the fuck?! You scared me!", George whisper-yelled at the siren, who just chuckled. "Also, call me princess again and I may just disappear into the castle forever." George smirked knowingly, aware that his friend feared not being able to ever see him again and threatening him with that would shut him up.

But he was wrong. Suddenly, he found himself trapped between the cold walls of the tunnel and Dream's muscular body. "Then I might just have to come and kidnap you", the siren replied in a husky voice.

The corners of his mouth tilted upwards into a smirk as he saw George blushing bright red in the dim moonlight that was just barely enough to see eachother.

"Fuck, you have no idea what kind of things I'd like to do to you right now", he growled, but backed off, obviously not wanting to make George uncomfortable.

Adorable..., George thought as he watched the siren bite his lip and run a hand through his hair nervously. He always acted so tough and cool, but in reality he was a big softie and would never dare to do anything that might hurt him. George probably had way dirtier thoughts than he had.

"Really?", he asked, seemingly careless. Then he leaned in seductively until his and Dream's face were just a finger's lenght apart. "Why don't you show me, huh?"

Bet that'll shut him up, George thought proudly, although he was a lot less confident than he was pretending to be inside.

Dream seemed surprised for a second, but caught himself quickly.

"Oh, should I? Are you sure, darling?"

George's eyes widened.

Before he could react, Dream had already pulled him close.

His warm arms were embracing and his grip was firm, but soft. Their tails were moving in perfect sync.

George looked up and his eyes were met with Dream's. Tons of emotions were swirling in that sea of light green that was only interrupted by a few golden spots here and there. The moonlight lit his face up in a strange way, it seemed unusual and yet so familiar.

"George." Dream's voice wasn't more than a whisper. "Can... Can I kiss you?"

George sharply let out a breath he didn't realise he had been holding in.

He didn't answer, he just slowly leaned in and pressed his lips onto Dream's.

I guess this is it.

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