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|Third Person POV|

It's been years now, since the Black Arms Aliens had took over Mobius, without the energy of the Master Emerald, and Chaos Emeralds, Mobius had completely fell under ruin...many humans shackled together forced against their will to do hard labor, male humans of course, children were either killed or forced into soldier training, female humans were forced into maid work, those who are able to bare kids were forced into breeding chambers. G.U.N soldiers and scientists were forced serving the aliens with combat, and experiments.

Mobians didn't have it easy, those with powers were forced to be experimented on, or into training to be a soldier, those with high intelligence were forced into helping with the experiments others were forced into hard labor.

The Evil Genius Ivo Robotnik, was given a choice to serve Black Doom, or Death. Using his intelligence and hatred for both humans and mobians agreed and started building robots for the aliens to help them in keeping Mobius in check.

A blue hedgehog, with a peach muzzle, arms and underbelly, black animalistic claws the fuzz reaching up to his elbows, sharp claws at the end of each finger, the same growth on his paws, black quill tips that fade into the blue furr. The Scientist forced the blue hedgehog's muzzle open, unlike other hedgehog Mobains he's teeth were more canine like and a long tongue, his eyes a bright emerald green, a collar on around his neck with a tag, and a tattoo on his shoulder, that read 'E-0' meaning Experiment Zero. This was what had come to...of the Hero of Mobius, Sonic The Hedgehog. He didn't have any memory on what happened, to him, or what he even use to be, living with the Scientists, and being tortured by the black arm aliens, he became more animalistic, than mobian.

Sitting in the dungeon, in separate jail cells, were Mobians that failed to stop to free everyone, a white bat, a chipmunk, three rabbits, one who is very young, a red echidna, two foxes, one with a birth mutation, a red wolf, two hedgehogs, one that was female, and a purple cat. The Freedom Fighters. Didn't think they were be captured by a friend that they used to know...forced into these cells to be waited for what the leader of the Aliens wish to do with them.

An ebony hedgehog, who was created to be the savior of a human who was suffering from an illness, was created with half of the Black Arm Alien's DNA, he betrayed the mobians, and the Organization that took someone that he cared about away from him, and yet...he feels remorseful for what he did. Shadow The Hedgehog

A black and white Jackal, with a red gem that is attached to his chest, was giving an opportunity to destroy the ebony hedgehog...for killing his group of friends, holding his mask in his hands, he joined the aliens just so he can keep the power of the gem to himself, or at least that's what he thought, he just had a hatred for everything. Zero 'Infinite' Jackal

Another ebony hedgehog, just with tealish-grayish stripes, the Dark Lord is what he went by, but the demon, just hated life in general, but enjoyed the suffering of others. Mephiles The Dark

An Alien that is the ebony hedgehog's half brother, was only following orders from the Alien Leader, with his intelligence, and information about Mobius victory was always in his mind. Eclipse The Beetle

Mobius, was no longer home of Peace, but of darkness, red clouds cover the sky, leaving everything in darkness, mutations of the wildlife that was thriving on the planet before, all have been made with half alien DNA, plants evolved to fit in with the new environment, only the mobian creatures that are called Chao didn't have a problem with adapting, and were left alone...seeing that the Aliens didn't have any use for them, marine life evolved as well to fit with the new environment, as well as the water remained the same...besides the new bacteria that was welcomed into the waters.

Mobius isn't what it used to be, when the invasion had succeeded.

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This is what Sonic looks like BTW

This is what Sonic looks like BTW

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