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|Vanilla's POV|

Shadow had been checking up on all of us, lately...I can't say about myself and Cream, but I can tell the others were restless, unlike the other prisoners, they weren't allowed outside, Rouge showed us that Eggman had lend us Metal, just so we can keep the rest of Survivors safe.

As for Sonic, he's been rather exhausted lately, keeping up with a baby and having to carry another one...I just hope Black Doom, doesn't have negative means for these children.

"How are things?" Shadow asked holding Maria in his arms, the small hedgehog just had a cute smile on her face. "Good, got heard Sonic got that second dose of serum to speed up his pregnancy"

"Yeah" Shadow said.

"But the others are restless" I tell him, "I think they miss going outside, or they miss having Sonic around."

"I'd would take Sonic to them...but, because of his instants, he only lets Infinite get close to him anyone else, he will harm them" Shadow explained, Well that's good to know that Sonic isn't fulling animalistic.

"And I can't let them outside...the most that I can do is just have them roam around the ship" Shadow said, he just shakes his head, I can see that he may hate his own Father, he doesn't have much control in  his own mind. "I can see that your trying at least...I'm sure Sally is thinking of a plan to get rid of Doom, and get back control of Mobius"

"That's what I fear..." Shadow admits. "Doom is aware of Sally's will to fight...for what is right...and because of that, he has plans for her, what that is...I'm not sure"

I just look away, I know he was right, Sally is tough girl, despite her being a princess, she is also Sonic's best friend and has some heroism with in her, all I could do is just hope Doom doesn't kill her.

|Sally's POV|

Standing in front of me was an Alien, he's been looking at him up and down, as if he was judging me. "I don't understand my Father's fascination with disgusting creatures like you" he spoke, I just smacked his hand away from touching me, if I wasn't handcuffed I'd punched him hard in that ugly face of his.

"If it was up to me...I used you for breeding" He said, I just felt sick to my stomach hearing that, that's what these Aliens are using my people and humans for?

"Over my dead body!" I growled.

"Calm down Princess" He said with a smirk on his face, his tail wrapping around my leg pulling up so I was facing him. "Father had other plans for you..." he smirks at me before throwing me into a capsule, I started to bang on the glass. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" I shouted at him.

"Just what my Father asked me to do..." The Alien said, his claw over the button, "This will only hurt a little..." that grin tells me other wise. He pressed the button and I felt a surge of energy shock through my body, making me scream out in agony. All I did was find away to escape...I know what Shadow said...but my People come first.

|Third Person POV|

"Mmm~" Sonic moans, he was sitting on Infinite's lap, just letting the jackal make out with his eight month pregnant stomach, for a hedgehog his ears, tails and stomach was his most sensitive parts of his body. "Ahh!~" Sonic groans, feeling his nipples being pinched hard so that milk starts leaking out.

"You make such cute noises~" Infinite said, he just rubs his cheek against Sonic's bump, just bonding with the pup. Sonic wipes the drool away from his lips, and frowns at how dirty his chest had gotten, he just got a bath. He just gets himself comfortable on Infinite's lap, as long as his partner is happy he's happy.

"What the?" Mephiles said as he walked into the room, he hadn't been around since he was dealing with getting revenge on Soleanna...and that location was on a different part of the world.

"Tsk...your just jealous that I'm bonding with him" Infinite tells Mephiles, Sonic purrs.

"Didn't think I miss this much..." Mephiles said as he just walks over to Infinite, "And Enjoy him while you can, cause after he's healed, he's coming with me" he scratches underneath Sonic's chin making the blue hedgehog purr, before whimpering, Mephiles chuckles and presses his muzzle onto Sonic's giving him a kiss, the blue hedgehog kisses him back, the demon pulls away from Sonic before he disappears. "Ugh...I hate that guy..." Infinite said.

Sonic lays down on Infinite, purring he gives the jackal a kiss to on the lips. "At least you don't complain about share" the Jackal chuckles.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Sally was shoved back into the room, with the rest of the fighters, her body was covered in bruises and cuts, from the torture.

"Sally!" Tails called out running to her, to see if she was okay, the chipmunk was covered in bandages...the punishment was brutal, and was only to teach her a lesson.

"I'm...Okay..." Sally finally spoke.

"So much...for escaping..." Gadget said with a small sigh.

"What did you see though?" Fiona asked.

"They turned some of the Mobians into Mutants, they aren't like Sonic...or Shadow, but more beast like, they still have the animal like features..." Sally said as she brings her knees into her chest. "I did see Scourge...but he's like Sonic...no memory, and a mutant"

Fiona's ears flatten to her head, hearing the news, there wasn't a point in saving Scourge if he didn't remember them, let alone her.

"And..." Sally swallows the lump in her throat "They are using Mobians and Humans, as breeding nests"

The group all had a disgusted look on their faces, but at the same time these are aliens...that took over Mobius...leaving nothing but their own influence.

They heard footsteps outside of the door, that sounded like running, Rouge was the first one to poke her head out of the room, she flinches when she heard a painful scream...she can only assume that it was Sonic. She lets out a sigh and pulls her head back. "Looks like Baby number two is coming"

"They must be using serums...to speed up his pregnancy..." Tails said he just sits down, his ear flattens "We might as well just stick with being Servants..."

"Your not giving up are you!" Sally said.

"There is nothing that we can do! Sonic can't get his memory back...and we are powerless against Infinite, Mephiles, Shadow, and Doom...without the Chaos Emeralds" Tails said as he started to tear up.

"We aren't going get out of here...even if Shadow is helping us...and Eggman...With Doom in control...we don't have a chance" Tails said.

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