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|Third Person POV|

Rouge hisses, when she was shoved into a room, Metal Sonic who looked at her. "I should've guessed you'd be working for an Alien..." she growled, looked at Eggman.

"It was either this or Death" Eggman admits.

"What do you want...anyway!" Rouge asked.

"Information...I know there is a Mobian and Human safe haven, outside of the ship" Eggman said as he leans over the desk.

"Like hell I'll tell you..." Rouge snapped.

Eggman shakes his head, "After Sonic lost his memory...I had to reprogram Metal, so that he didn't loss his memory...In case you forgotten Sonic and Metal are linked in away" the evil genius explained.

"I'd rather have Omega...than that pile of junk" Rouge hissed, Metal folds his arms.

"You are getting on my nerves Bat...I'm not here to destroy that safe haven, but help protect it" Rouge blinked at hearing Eggman speak, she couldn't believe what he was saying.

"Look...I'm not that concerned about the Human population, but your own population, Mobains, as troublesome as you are, you safety is what keeps this planet different from earth" Eggman stated "and This isn't the first time, I helped out the heroes"

"And what makes you thing I can trust you?" Rouge stated.

Eggman just smiles adjusted his glasses to his face, "Metal Hero Mode"

Metal shuts down briefly before switching back on, the red lights in his system switching colors to be green, he flies over to Rouge holding a hand out, the Bat flinches before looking over to see a bracelet that had the Eggman Empire Logo on it.

"That why if Doom get suspicious...he'll know, Metal is under your command" Eggman said, "So do we have a deal?"

"Tsk, if you double cross us...Baldy, I'll won't stop Omega from killing you!" Rouge hissed Eggman holds his hands up to show that he isn't crossing his fingers. Rouge puts the bracelet on it turns on to show Metal's status condition and his current mission as well as what side he was on. "Okay Metal...protect the survivors"

Metal beeps before he takes off out of the ship. Rouge just gives Eggman one last look, before the door opens and the G.U.N soldiers escorts her out of the room, to get back to work.

|Sonic's POV|

"Sonic!" I turned my attention to a pink hedgehog, who was in a uniform, I was holding Maria by the scruff off her neck, my stomach had gotten bigger after I played with Fluffy, a few weeks ago, Lab Coat Man said it was another pup...but a different species from Stripes, and Maria, I didn't mind that, I love Fluffy, and Stripes.

Pink stopped in front of me, another creature running after her, another rabbit, but she was half robot.

My ear just twitches, I turn to continue down the hallway, I don't know them, but I don't want to them to hurt Maria either.

"S-Sonic..." Pink called out to me reaching her hand out to me, I just started to get defensive, growling.

"Amy..." The Rabbot said pulling Pink back and away from me. Pink looked kind of upset.

Not my problem, I continued walking, I'm tired, I did a lot today...had to get injections, take care of Maria cause she was crying for me, run the pack.

I opened the door to Fluffy's room, I my new nest before placing Maria down on in the nest I grabbed the comfy blanket before curling up on my side, Maria nuzzling into me purring I just giver her little muzzle a lick and rubs my cheek on hers, she mimics me motion, before she curls up with me.

|Infinite's POV|

"Nice work, Infinite" Doom said to me, it kind of feels good to hear, my rivals Father, praise me for taking out his own army, these few weeks had been rather interesting...got to experience how aggressive a pregnant hedgehog could be, and emotional, when he found out that he hurt me, see the ultrasound of my kid, now i just have to wait to hold my offspring.

"That be all Infinite," Doom said I nodded and just teleports out of the training room, to see one of the maids crying to herself...it was one of Sonic's friends, I just roll my eyes under my mask, I open the door to my room, to see Sonic cuddling up to Maria in the make shift nest just snoozing away, I remove my mask and gives Sonic a kiss on his ear and stomach.

"Have a nice nap"

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