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|Shadow's POV|

"Master Shadow...The Scientist would like to see you" The Maid said, I've gotten use to the dull and lifeless eyes of the human females and mobians, that had become my Fathers Maids, but the Scientist must have given me news about the process that Dad had all of us do...Sonic wasn't any different from those slaves in the breeding chamber, it's just that he was able to fight, and was more for personal reasons, the door opened with I walked up to it, Sonic was just sitting at on the operation table.

"Well?" I said to the scientist who just adjusted his glasses.

"It's a positive, he his carrying, but based on how your half alien...I'll have to do check ups when he starts showing, just see if your DNA is more Mobian" The Scientist tells me. "Considering since you produce...Sperm cells...and the lack of egg" the motion me to feel Sonic's stomach, which I did, Sonic only purrs and leans into my touch, he's to adorable for his own good...but the Scientist was right there wasn't anything hard, I just kept my hand scratching Sonic's stomach, the scientist handed me the picture of what I could guess was the ultrasound, he pointed to the small fetus. I couldn't help but to be glad, even though Sonic wouldn't be able to stay with it for long...cause after it's born, Sonic only gets a week cause of feeding, then Infinite takes him.

Might as well enjoy it while I can. "And I already to the Lord about it..." I only nodded and motion Sonic to follow. Which he didn't.

|Sonic's POV|

What were you talking about? and can I have more belly rubs? I just followed behind Stripes, watching the maids carry eggs out of the breeding chambers into another room.

This place is weird, but Stripes, Bug Man, Slime Monster, and Fluffy, are very nice to me, I just wish I knew their names...They seem to know mine, or at least I think it was mine...Stripes and Fluffy calls me that name a lot, Bug Man and Slime, call me E-Zero whatever that means.

The door slide opened and we were in the prison chamber.

Are we going to play! I love playing!

I stopped following Stripes to looked at my copy in the water that was on the floor, I have black stripes on the side of my cheeks, I only ignore my copy and caught up to Stripes.

"What do you want?!" the Bat Lady hissed, at Stripes.

"Just came to see how you are doing Rouge...Mostly all of you" Stripes responded.

"You should give us freedom...you fucking traitor!" Red growled showing his fists.

"Just be glad that I didn't let Doom kill all of you" Stripes growled back.

Master? What was Master gonna do with them?

"Where Sonic!" Pink said her eyes were puffy, is she sick?

"Right...The last time you saw him...he was taken" Stripes said "Sonic Come here" he added kneeling down

|Third Person POV|

Sonic ran over to Shadow, the Fighters, only looked in horror at how different the blue hedgehog changed. Shadow takes Sonic's hands helping him to stand, the blue hedgehog's eyes shifted colors to purple, his werehog like hands and paws turned back to being normal, and the black in his quills turned backed into his normal fur color.

"S-Sonic?" Amy sniffed calling out to Sonic, who didn't look at her.

"W-What did you do to him!" Knuckles growled.

"I didn't do anything...Doom, did experiments on him, to my understanding he only takes orders from us, and Doom...he can't speak and has zero memory about any of us" Shadow explained.

Tails felt tears forming in his eyes, same with Cream, and Amy. "S-So...he doesn't remember us..." Tails stutters.

"Mhm...but as for whys he's here..." Shadow said, Sonic just took Shadow's hand and puts it back on his stomach, his tail wagging, he wasn't entirely animalistic...after all he can walk on two legs, use his hands to grab things and hold things and understand words and body language. Shadow takes a notices of this, and just gives in starting to scratch at Sonic's stomach. "Doom how should I say this" Shadow gives Rouge the picture.

"S-Shadow...Oh my god...he's not!" Rouge said passing the picture over Sally, who only covered her mouth.

"That's what he's planning...after that, I'm not sure" Shadow responded, taking the picture back.

"But I doubt he'd want Sonic killed" Shadow said pulling his hand away from Sonic.

"That still doesn't tells us...Why you betrayed us!" Knuckles growled.

"It was G.U.N I want to get revenge on...Not you guys, but Doom had other plans" Shadow said he turns around so he can leave, Sonic following after him. "I'll have the maids give you food...for now it's best to not try and escape, Doom has this guarded." He walks away.

"I...I don't know this happened to Sonic..." Tails weeped.

"Tails...I'm sure, he'll get his memory back..." Vanilla said hugging Cream, who was crying into her. "Right now...we have to trust Shadow, despite him betraying us"

Everyone beside Knuckles only looked down, in agreement, If Shadow didn't care about them he would have already had them killed or worst.

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