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|Eclipse's POV|

Mobians are weird creatures, same with humans, but Father's words are over mine, it's to bad that I can't have the satisfaction of murdering that pink bitch for hitting me with her hammer. I was walking down the hallway, I stopped in my tracks when I heard growling.

"Come on Sonic...I just want to listen..." That sounded like Shadow, I poked my head from the corner of the door frame.

Brother was reaching out to touch E-0's stomach, that had gotten a little bigger, he was in a makeshift nest that he made out of all the comfy stuff that he could find on the ship, he was being territorial with brother, E-0 soon calms down after sniffing Brother's hand and just exposes his stomach, I can feel my tail wagging slightly, out of all the mobians I've met, E-0 is beautiful and cute...I can't wait to hold him in my arms, I bet his fur is soft, and lips are heavenly. I quickly took my leave, I just had to be patient...after Brother it's that's Jackal's turn, than that Demon.

And I know for the Demon the Scientists are going to keep in the lab to study how a Mortal and a Demon baby will be, I don't blame them, I'd do the same.

I just walked into another room, to continue with my own research on this planet, if anything if there were any survivors left, we will find them even if it means hurting one of those Freedom Fighters, their not taking E-0 away from us.

|Third Person POV|

"Do you really believe that traitor Tails!" Knuckle growled at the yellow fox, he didn't want to admit Shadow was right cause he couldn't sense the Master Emerald...at all.

"Shut up!!" Rouge hissed, "Chaos...Knuckles I love you, but you are giving me a Damn headache" The white bat hissed, the echidna looked over at the bat, as well as everyone else. "I'm sorry...but as fruit bat...my ears are sensitive, so I can ear everything, almost everything"

"No Rouge..." Tails said as he takes a deep breath, "I really should have thought about you...Fiona and I, are foxes so our ears are sensitive as well"

"We just have strong noses...but nothing like Gadgets, who's a wolf" Fiona responded.

"Cute...so glad that you guys can bond over something that is so pathetic..." Alicia growled, she runs her hands through her red hair before turning her back. "We don't even know what they are doing with others..."

"See how Sugarhog looked, I don't want find out" Bunnie said, Vanilla puts a hand on her shoulder, "We still have they other group..."

"Vanilla is right...the Chaotix will find out that we are missing and come looking for us" Sally nodded putting her hands on the bar.

"Heh, yea leave our hopes in a bunch of idiots..." Buns scoffs folding her arms.

"It's the only chance we have..." Sally said as she sat down on the floor.

"Well we might has well get to know how we all got here" Blaze said holding onto the bars.

"Why...our Story is just say as yours..." Alicia said rolling her eyes.

"But I thought you didn't care about Scourge?"

"We don't...but Fiona wouldn't Shut up about loosing him" Buns responded.

"And now we are stuck here just like you guys" Alicia said.

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