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|Third Person POV|

Sonic was just laying in the center of the the enclosure, other mutant experiments from the mobian population were roaming around the enclosure as if they were on guard of Sonic. In the observation center, was Black Doom, and Dr. Eggman, as well as Abraham Towe.

"How many experiments?" Towe asked looking at the mobian masses, with Sonic being the first and the only one that looked more mobian.

"About, twenty, with Shadow protecting those pesky Freedom Fighters...we had to settle with their Moebius counterpart...all except that red fox" Eggman commented adjusting his glasses.

Sonic's ear twitches, when he heard growling, the blue hedgehog gets up and pushes his paw onto to the Experiment's head pushing it down, growling back at them, to show them who was in charge, the Experiment whimpers backing down. Sonic removes his paw from the Experiment's head, he grabs the scruff of a green hedgehog's neck, since the two were both Sonics his appearance wasn't any different from Sonic's besides that he had a more of dark purple color where the black would be, the Experiment Mobians acted like a huge hive mixed with a pack of wolves, Sonic being the Queen and Alpha, and E-1 being second in command. Which was the green hedgehog that Sonic was carrying who kind of just excepts it. Compared to Sonic's body...his had purple crystal like spikes on his wrists that lead up to his elbows, and knees, sharper teeth compared to Sonic's. His iconic jacket was ripped at the sleeves, this was Scourge. Sonic places Scourge down and just snuggles into the green hedgehog, to go back to sleep.

"Zero and One...are close, despite them being enemies before this" Eggman stated looking at the cameras.

"It just means that the experiments are working" Doom said as he turned to leave, "Just don't forget to feed them all...Zero is pregnant, so it is wise that we give them extra"

"Yes sir" Towe said.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Sonic was fast asleep, his ears pinned to his head, He was with Shadow now in his mobian form. The blue hedgehog grabs Shadow's hand and tugs on it.

"Hmm? What is it Sonic?" Shadow asked looking at Sonic, the blue hedgehog just points to his stomach, he didn't really understand what was going on, or how to tell Shadow how was feeling, the ebony hedgehog just takes a guess and starts to lead Sonic, to the restroom, opening lifting the toilet lid. Sonic was confused before he felt sick to his stomach and just vomits into the toilet bowl, Shadow rubs Sonic's back. "It's okay...it's just morning sickness..." Shadow tells Sonic.

|Shadow's POV|

I really wish they didn't silence Sonic, though I could always just give Sonic a notebook so he write what he wants to say...that is if he knows how to write.

Sonic whimpers grabbing onto me, I looked down into that toilet, definitely nothing strange, I just flushed the toilet.

I take his hand and start leading him out of the room to the Scientist, who was already working on something.

"Oh Shadow? Do you need something?" They asked me.

"Just a serum to speed up this pregnancy...just to skip the first trimester, unless you are going the Serum on someone else" I tell him. Sonic was really quiet, but his body language showed that he was very confused on what I was talking about, he'll found out soon enough.

"Well I wanted Sonic to experience the first trimester...but seeing that Doom, might need Sonic soon...for training I have two serums for both...Yours and Infinite's this will skip the first and second trimester, you have have to keep an eye on him...he's not completely Mobian anymore, so he's following instants" The Scientist said, I only rolled my eyes, taking the needle, Sonic was already distracted by me rubbing his stomach. I quickly forced the needle into Sonic's abdomen, he yelped whimpering, I just forced a kiss onto his lips to get him to hold still as I injected the serum into his womb. I pulled the needle out when it was empty putting giving it back to the Scientist.

I pulled away from Sonic, he started to rub the area where I forced the needle into him, if anything it will help the serum spread quicker. "Except tomorrow to see some changes"

"Got it" I lead Sonic back to my room, he laid down on the big dog looking bed in his mutant form. I just rubbed his ear before leaving, I had to make sure Doom isn't hurting the Fighters...if anything they are my only chance at getting Sonic's memories back.

|Tails' POV|

Knuckles was busy punching the bars of the cell, making the whole area shake, I get that Knuckles was concerned about Sonic, but those bars aren't even bending.

"Knuckles! ENOUGH!" Fiona growled looking over at the Knuckles, me and Fiona share a cell, since we are same species, I never seen Sally so upset, seeing Alicia with her...Amy and Rosy, and Silver are in the same cell, and I haven't seen Miles.

"Grr...NOT EVEN A FUCKING DENT!" Knuckles shouted.

Fiona sat back, she had Scourge's shades in her hands, I can only assume he went through the same experiment that Sonic did.

"Hey!! What are you do!! Let go of me!" A Mobian called out, as two aliens dragged her out of the cell dragging her away.

"At least Mister Shadow...is keeping his word..." Cream spoke up, she was holding Cheese in her arms.

"Even if we do get out of here...We don't even have a plan, after all Eggman is working with him...and G.U.N is helping him build an army...not to mention those Experiments..." Sally said as she places her hands on the bars.

"Don't give up hope, Sallygirl..." Bunnie said. "It's just like what Vanilla said...we have to trust Shadow on this"

"I just can't believe Shadow would do this..." I said "I know he hated G.U.N for killing Maria...but...Us?"

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