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|Sonic's POV|

The Person in the lab coat started to write down on the brown thing, I was just glad that the pain was over, my body hurts after pushing the pup out of my body, Stripes named her Maria, I like the name it's cute.

She was a black hedgehog, with long soft quills with dark blue highlights, with a single bang that swooped upwards, a peach muzzle, underbelly, and arms with a dark blue stripe that ends with a circle on the palm of her hands, her left eye is green and her right eye is red.

"She's beautiful..." Stripes said, She is so tiny though, but I'll protect her, and so will Stripes.

|Third Person POV|

G.U.N soldiers had the Fighters shackled to each other, it's been a week since the Fighters had been in the dungeon, and they were forced to wear black full back suits, with name tags on them...they are going be treated as servants, the females were separated from the males, the two Agents just go in separate directions.

"Where we going?" Knuckles whispered to Tails.

"I don't know..." Tails responded.

The girls found themselves, in a room with a lady that had a whip, in her hand, the servants were learning how to be a house wife, if they messed up they get whipped hard, as punishment.

Sally and Rouge noticed that Vanilla and Cream were gone from the group, both Alicia swallows the lump on her throat, she has bad memories about getting whipped by her own Father if she did something wrong...the Lady smacks the whip on her hand and Alicia was was cuffed to Sally pulled her with her to get to work, the chipmunk blinks but starts to work, if she does what she was told then maybe she can get everyone out of here.

Vanilla and Cream, were dressed in different uniforms, Cream was dressed in a black t-shirt with jean overalls, with a name tag on the shirt. Vanilla was wearing her black dress with her name tag on it, the G.U.N soldier opens the door, to the room. Shadow was waiting with Sonic who was holding Maria in his arms.

"Hello Vanilla and Cream..." Shadow said, Vanilla sees the new born hedgehog in Sonic's arms. Before she turns to Shadow. "You have some explaining...Young Man" she growls.

"I know...I know..." Shadow said as he takes a deep breath. "Look Doom, gave me orders...I honestly wanted to get revenge on G.U.N for taking something that I cared about...but I over heard Doom, Eggman, and Towe talk about the Fighters"

"So...you tricked us...in order to keep us safe?" Vanilla asked, Shadow nodded, he just scratches his head "I'm not asking for forgiveness...but I did tell the others that they aren't allowed to harm anyone of you..."

"But So-"

"I did everything I could...using the photo album that Miles had, taking him to places he used to run around in..." Shadow lets out a sigh. "Whatever Doom did to him...returning his memories is loss cause"

Vanilla nodded "And the separation?"

"I know Doom, is going keep us busy...and mostly Sonic, by the end of the week, Sonic isn't gonna be around Maria anymore, and he going be with Infinite...So we'll need a Nanny who understands Mobian young" Shadow said.

"Well I'm glad I can be of help...and for these next weeks" Vanilla smiled.

"Thank you" Shadow said, it felt good to get that all off of his chest, after having to keep it in all this time, he can handle the training of chaos energy...unless Maria was hiding something from him, that even he didn't understand that his Genes had, the rings on her hands look familiar but he couldn't really be that sure.

Sonic felt calm around Cream and Cheese even though he didn't recognize them, but he knew that they were harmless cause of the way smell to him.

Vanilla walks over to introduce herself, to Sonic, she was only with starting over with the blue hedgehog. She does forgive Shadow...she just wasn't sure about the others though, she just hopes they get treated nicely like her and Cream.

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