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|Infinite's POV|

I was just cleaning the blood off of my mask, I just growl at the thought of Shadow keeping those, damn freedom fighters alive...if anything he's probably just trying to betray us next, with getting Sonic's Memories back, so that he'll turn on us.

Like that will ever happen...Sonic is loyal to Doom, and all of us, my ear twitches when the door to my room opened, I turned to see that it was Sonic, Shadow must have used the serum on him...he looks twenty-eight weeks pregnant.

"What do you want Sonic?" I asked him, he just looked at me, it must just be his instants to not let anyone near him, I didn't think Hedgehog's were like that...thought of Wolves and Dogs, whatever I just gave him the fluffy pillow that he liked and gladly took in his mouth and walked away. After he left I heard that same dinging sound from the prisoner room, growling I put my mask on and teleported down to the room.

To my surprise it was just that stupid red echidna trying to break the bars. "Will you knock it off!" I growled.

"Infinite!" The yellow fox cried out, I just looked at them all.

It be so satisfying to crush them all with my hands, but I have to respect Shadow...after all he is Doom's Son.

|Third Person POV|

Infinite floated down landing onto the floor, walking up to Knuckles, "I could just crush you with my bare hands...so if I were you I'd stop trying to brake the bars.

"Pfft...As if...I know I can break them if I try hard enough" Knuckle growled back getting ready to punch the bars, to only find him being stopped by Infinite, as he just started to choke the echidna out.

"Knuckles!!" The group called out.

"Stop it Infinite...he's not worth it" A voice said forming himself from an inky puddle in the shadows, Blaze and Silver's eyes widen at who it was, they thought he was dead. Infinite let's go of Knuckles, the echidna coughs and gasps for air. "Tsk..." Infinite growled he folded his arms teleporting away.

"Y-your alive..." Silver asked.

"We all are alive...after Sonic, defeated us" Mephiles stated. "Your just lucky that Shadow's is the son of Black Doom" he stated sinking into the ground disappearing.

"Who the hell is that!" Rosy growled gripping the bars.

"Mephiles...Mephiles the Dark..." Blaze said she lets out a sigh.

"So we don't have a chance of getting out of here..." Alicia said as he just rubbed her wrists.

"Are you okay Knuckles?" Vanilla asked.

The echidna only nods, as he was trying to calm his breathing.

"Food and Water...by Master Shadow's request" The Maid said walking over to the groups, placing down paper bags with food, and some water bottles in each cell. She bows before walking away.

"At least...the food isn't bad..." Amy said as she takes the paper bag and opening it and giving Silver and Rosy their servings, before taking hers

"Their has to be a vent in here somewhere?" Tails said he started to looking around.

"Even if you find it...you're not gonna be able to get to it..." Fiona responded to him, "or even open it"

"Stop trying to fine away to escape...Miles, I told you from the beginning" Shadow said walking over to the group, he already got word from Mephiles about Infinite and Knuckles.

"Grr...How do you know! Instead of keeping us here...you could help us! There's still a chance of us getting out of here...a chance to save mobius!" Tails growled as he had tears in his eyes, he already failed Sonic, but he can still help the planet that he lived on, at least...after all that's what Sonic would have wanted.

"With what! the chaos Emeralds are completely useless" Shadow argued back.

"What?..." Tails sniffed.

Shadow throws the picture of the emeralds and Master Emerald onto the floor, all of the gems had been shard and drained of all of their energy.

"N-no..." Tails said.

"You better be lying Shadow!" Sally growled.

"I'm not...I went there to see for myself." Shadow added, he shakes his head, "Just trust me...that is if you can, I'll get you guys out of here, when I figure something out..."

The group was silent, only Tails soft cries were heard in the room, they really were hopeless.

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