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|Third Person POV|

Knuckles blinks before he growls he was about to attack Shadow before the shackles that were on both Tails, and Silver's ankles caused him to hit the floor. "Knuckles!"

"Damn..." Knuckles groaned, he lets out a sigh, he was probably the only one in the fighters that was angry at Shadow...except for Amy, who literally looked like she was gonna tear Shadow apart for doing something that she would rather like to have done to herself.

"YOU WHAT!?" Amy growled.

"Amy nows not the time to get mad..." Sally said, face palming. "But thank you for telling us Shadow..."

"I...I can't believe I...lost my brother..." Tails sniffs as he covers his face with his hands "It's alright Sweetheart..."

"So...Doom, it's making all four of you guys...breed with him, just so he can have a strong army?" Sally asked.

"I'm not sure, didn't ask" Shadow responded, he just rubs the back of his quills, "But...I just hope you guys don't mind staying as Servants, I already told the Chaotix that your safe"

Sally nodded, she just watches Shadow leaving the room, she rubs her arms as she felt herself wanting to cry...at least she didn't have to wish this on anyone else, she just couldn't think that Mobius, has lost their hero...and now their freedom.

Silver just looks off to the side, he knew it was pointless to try and go back in time to save Sonic, after all the Chaos Emeralds are useless now, it was like not matter how hard he tried...the future always ends up being a dark place, he just has to admit that this is what his life had come to.

"So w-"

"Give it a rest Amy...We lost..." Knuckles said getting himself off of the floor, "at least we can be closer to Sonic...even if he doesn't recognize us."

|Sonic's POV|

I let out a yawn, to only gag, when a small hand was forced into my mouth, I move my head away to see Maria sitting up looking at me, she was in a light blue dress and some white socks.

Mama Rabbit, most have put her in the clothes when I was take nap. She is a big help for me, since Maria came into my life, I haven't been able to sleep, cause of her crying, I guess Stripes helps as much as he could.

"Ma...ma..." Maria said, holding her arms out to me, just pick her up, being careful with my claws, the Man with the lab coat comes by often, I guess she's growing fast, than a normal pup.

I just pulled her up to my chest, so she can feed, I heard the door open.

Is it Stripes?...it's been a long time since we played, I want to play the game, it made me feel good...afterwards.

"Hey, Sonic" I looked to see that it was Fluffy...he wasn't Stripes...but he was okay, anyone would do, I just really want to play...I looked down to see that Maria was done, I did what Mama Rabbit showed to me, to I started to pat her back over my shoulder until she made a noise. I placed her back into the crib. "So, you ready to play?"

I nodded my tail wagging, "Good~" he takes my hand and started to lead me out of the room, I got a glance of Stripes and Mama Rabbit, the only shook there heads, I can trust them with Maria.

|Third Person POV|

Infinite brought Sonic to the bedroom, well his bedroom, at least he couldn't wait for a week to be finished, he just pulls the blue hedgehog into a kiss on the lips, Sonic gladly kissing him back, letting Infinite's tongue explore his mouth. The jackal takes the syringe with a serum and pushes it into Sonic's abdomen, making the hedgehog squeak, the long metal tip gets throw the muscle and into the ovaries before the liquid was injected into his uterus, the needle was pulled out, of his abdomen.

"Ahh~" Sonic moans his cheeks starting to turn a shade of red, though he may not know how to speak...but moans were enough for his partners to get turned on. "AHH!!~" Sonic screamed out feeling Infinite bite down on his shoulder, he started purring from belly rub.

"You better have save some of that...milk for me~" Infinite tells Sonic pinning the hedgehog to bed, lining up his hard on to Sonic's entrance, he didn't hesitate before pushing himself into Sonic's warm and tight vagina. "AHHH!!~" Sonic screams out, Infinite doesn't started moving until Sonic's adjusted, he just licks the blue hedgehog's nipple, sucking and nibbling on the azure hedgehog's peach chest.

"Ah...S-So b-big..." Sonic mutters, the jackal starts moving his hips, starting out slowly, before picking up the pace with his thrusting, Sonic's body jolts from his good spot being hit, the jackal smiles "There it is~" he grins, he starts thrusting his hard on in that pacific location.

"Ahh!~" Sonic moans feeling the jackal climax deep into his vaginal cavity, do to the serum that was injected into his body, made it easier for the egg cell to be fertilized, Infinite kisses the blue hedgehog on the lips, who kissed him back, when the two parted a thick strain of saliva between the two tongues. He pulls out, Sonic rolls onto his side his tail wagging and purring before he just feel asleep on Infinite's bed.

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