"Little Ling Ling"

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Walking around Tai Yang got lucky and found a shed to sleep in for the night. Though small in size and filled to the brim with tools, hay, and firewood, Tai Yang took it with pleasure.

With the small size and how much it filled up the shed would most likely be insulated and would warm up along with his body heat.

Laying down in a corner of the shed on a pile of hay, Tai Yang patiently waited for the temperature to rise. So that he could sleep in peace.

This worked perfectly but early that next morning, Tai Yang woke up to the air around him being too hot.
Opening his eyes, Tai Yang was surprised to see the little boy again. It was as if he was cursed by the devil and this little boy was his punishment.

After a moment something seemed off about the boy. It seemed as if the boy looking down on him. The boy as also ten times the size he was yesterday.

Looking around Tai Yang saw everything else inside the shed too was ten times the size it was yesterday. From the wooden shovels to the buckets of well water and firewood. They were all huge and gigantic.

Still tired and sleepy all Tai Yang did was yawn wildly, blinking slowly. Trying his best to process everything in front of him.

From what he could see everything around him had grown larger and he had a small furry white snout with a pink nose. When he had yawned this became more evident to him. Normally you didn't even realize your nose because you couldn't see it but he could definitely see his new white fuzzy snout.

Fully processing all this information he had taken in, Tai Yang jumped to his feet. Looking down there were more fluffy white and brown clouds of fur. He had four very small white arms growing out of a fluffier white long body. The body was blindingly white but the four paws and the tip of a tail were brown. Making it look like the paws had gloves.

Looking back up the same strange boy he kept encountering Tai Yang called out in a small voice not able to do much more. Or he would have if he could. All Tai Yang could do though was make a small squeaking yelp. It sounded as if it was some kind of small animal from a video online.

From an outsider's perspective, it seemed as if there was a weasel frosty and cold. Unlike a normal animal which would be either neutral or joist. The animal looked like he was pondering how to send the world into chaos.

Though Tai Yang didn't know he looked like this. He didn't even know why he had fury paws and why everything around him was huge. As usual, all he did was freeze and internally panic. Sending his mind into a frenzy with unknown possibilities and outcomes.

Knowing something was wrong was already torcher but not knowing what was the worst. If something was wrong and you knew what you could always find a way to fix it but if you didn't know what was wrong there was no way of fixing anything.

He didn't want to think that he was somehow a small animal Tai Yang denied it as much as he could, but he could not deny the fluffy paws and tail in front of him.
From what he saw he knew that if it was possible he was most likely some kind of rodent. He didn't want to be so dumb to believe that was possible so Tai Yang tried to hide under the robes beneath his paws.

After feeling the temperature start to rise he did start to believe what he was absurdly thinking.

The robes he was hiding in were probably the ones he had shrunk out of since they couldn't stay on his small rodent body.

It was silly really. He had somehow become some kind of rodent and was lost in an unknown place with weirdos all over the place. Wearing strange old clothing from the old dynasties. The people were also quite hostile and harsh with everything around him being old. What he meant by old was there was not a single electronic device was in sight.

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