'Water ways'

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The canal's waters came from the lake on the poor side of town and provided water for the crops on that side of town while also providing water for homes and shops on the rich side of town. Running in a constant cycle or renewal.

Tai Yang and Cai Huang had fallen into the canal on the rich side of town and were both struggling to swim to the surface. This became even harder to do when they were pulling each other down to climb up. This ended both sides in failure and losing air quicker.

Finally having a secure grip on Tai Yang, Cai Huang was able to breathe a breath of relief. Not long after this short breath of relief was the ferrets head forced back under when a underground water ways came upon them. Cai Huang, still trying to get a full breath in, didn't see the tunnel coming.

Causing a chain reaction of him knocking him unconscious have hit hitting his head above the entrance. Sinking back below the water he let go of Tai Yang.

Being released, Tai Yang. Giving him the chance to swim to the surface. The air in the tunnel was so thin that Tai Yang could only have his nose above the surface before it touched the top of the water way.

Breathing in the cool air of the tunnel, Tai Yang felt the burning sensation in his lungs and chest fade slightly. After a moment of regaining his breath back, Tai Yang got ready to dive back under for Cai Huang.

He hadn't forgotten the other rodent and he wasn't going to let him drown. He just needed to catch his breath so he didn't pass out while trying to save him. Cai Huang had gotten air before they came into the underground water way while Tai Yang was still under the water. So he should be fine while Tai Yang got some air.

After a moment of caching his breath Tai Yang got ready to dive and retrieve Cai Huang. Making sure he was still alive and just unconscious, not dead. Hitting his head on the top of the tunnel shouldn't have been enough to kill the rodent but drowning would definitely be anuf to kill the ferret.

Diving under the water Tai Yang tried his best to find Cai Huang. Tai Yang knew when something bumped into his lag it was Cai Huang. The bump was soft and he had to immediately reach for what ever had bumped into him before it drifted away.

It had to be Cai Huang because a rock would have suck to the bottom and a stick would be way thinner. Meaning it had to be Cai Huang.

Struggled to pull the other rodent to the surface, the tunnel ended and then came to a fork. Unable to stop there momentum, Tai Yang was slammed into the center of the fork and loosened his hold on Cai Huang, plitting them up. Each of them when a diffrent easy.

Tai Yang went right as Cai Huang went left- still unconscious.

Tumbling down the canal, Tai Yang could only make it to the surface a few times before he was pulled back under again. Unable to hold his breath any longer, Tai Yang was forced to exhale and choked on water.

Tai Yang continuously tried to reach the surface again with out luck in staying aflowt for more then a second or to. He even tried to do the doggy paddle to stay aflowt but this didnt change much. Only leting him stay aflowt for a few seconds longer then before.

After a while of struggling to reach the surface as he flowed down the canal, Tai Yangs vision was starting to blur but in the next moments he was huddled into the canal walls as they took a few sharp turns before he was thrown into even colder water than the canals waters.

After floating in the cold waters Tai Yang noticed how the water was still around him. He must have been in a lake of some kind. Tai Yang tried to the surface with all his might that he could muster. Struggle more then he should.

He still did not knowing how to swim as such a small rodent. Which made swimming to the surface as difficult as it was in the canal.

He knew how to swim when he was human. Having had learned it at a young age but the weasels arms and lags just didn't work the same. Not able to move as human lags and arms would to keep themselves afloat.

Because of this Tai Yang was at the surface but could stay above it for more then a couple seconds before he sank back under again.

Even with lungs burning with the lack of oxygen, Tai Yang still mentally let out a frustrated sigh. He was so tired from all the effort he had been putting into not drowning. His little limbs felt like they were noddles and were completely numb.

Dying a second time as a weasel drowning wouldn't be such a bad death compared to his first one. He could accept dying this way in his second try at life. As long as he waent sufficated by a pillow once more he was completely fine with giving up.

Vision almost completely black with the lack off oxegen, Tai Yang was suddenly yanked out of the water. He let out a clogged squeal before coughing up the rest of the water with the help of two little fingers pressing down on his chest.

A little out of it, Tai Yang took a moment to process what had just happened. For one he wasn't dead. Also some had saved him, a weasel from drowning.

Thx for reading like always :) plz don't forget to vote if you like the story and I hope you have a good day/night.

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