'The eyes'

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They continued their one-sided conversation for a while before it was interrupted by the girl from outside. She called for Long Ling, telling him to feed the chickens since he was home and needed to help her around the house.

Not wanting to leave the weasel, Long Ling, picked up Tai Yang to bring him along. Placing him on his shoulder. Which was somehow easier to balance on than the cowhide. So Tai was able to tag along on Long Ling's journey to feed the chickens.

The chickens were surprisingly not near the small home. They were out in the one spot surrounding the town that was not wheat fields. The grass spot was near the town's lake and water source. Having it be the water source for the animals too. This one spot was where all the town's animals were, not just the chickens.

For some strange reason, all the town's people shared the animals but each had a specific one to take care of and raise. Long Ling and his family had to take care of the chickens. While another random family had to take care of the cows. Raising them to be bread and eaten. If one person didn't take care of their animal it would affect the whole town.

If a specific person didn't feed their animal and it died, the death would be a loss for the whole town, not just the person taking care of it. If the chickens died they would lose eggs, feathers, and meat. This was the same for all the animals.

Though Tai Yang was a little confused about why he had allowed himself to tag along. Had he not thought through the animal food chain? Weasels might eat chickens and other small creatures but at the moment he did not feel like he was a predator but as if he was the prey. He might be a fake luck-bringing wandering spirit that tricked Long Ling into believing he was a real weasel but he clearly did not fool the chickens.

Sadly to his dismay, Tai Yang was set down to be ground level with all the other animals. Giving him a view of three out of the twenty animals.

Surprisingly there were lots of different kinds of animals. Ranging from every colored sheep imaginable to several species of\ mule. The three animals visible to Tai Yang from where he sat on the ground were some pigs and two species of chicken.

Not that Tai Yang knew the difference between the two. The only distinct difference was the color and size of the chicken. While one was pure brown and large, while the other was white, black, and brown and one-third of the size of the pure brown chicken.

Somehow all the animals stayed with their own kind. Only separating from their group to drink from the lake before heading back immediately when done.

This made feeding them easily. One only needed to grab their animal's food and toss it in the middle of the group. So that whichever group of animals could eat and no other group of animals could interfere.

The chickens once getting their food did not fight over it. As if they were not chickens but some higher animal, knowing better than to fight over food. Taking one grain at a time and waiting for each other's turns.

Just as Tai Yang was thinking this one of the small chickens looked over at him. Seeming to be seeing through him as if he was glass. This stopped Tai Yang's heart mid-beat.

The only thought that passed through his head was 'The eyes'. Why did it seem like it could see right through him? Seeming to know that he wasn't a weasel and would wind up like them if they didn't kill him first?

Not wanting to be killed by a small chicken, Tai Yang immediately ran over and climbed up Long Ling's side, to stop and wrap around his neck. Feeling safer up there than down in the range of the chickens. After a moment Tai Yang could feel vibrations of laughing from the boy.

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