The Good Boy Pt.5 [Jongho+]

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Jongho was afraid as Jiwon told him the cruelest punishment still awaited. Could he take it? His nipples were still sore from earlier, and so was his ass after receiving anal for the first time. He was exhausted, and his dick was still sensitive from his orgasm, despite starting to harden again. He already had hickeys all over his neck, collarbone, chest, and even his thighs. What else could possibly await him?

She was surprisingly gentle as she helped him sit up and wiped his chest and face free of his own cum with a wet wipe. She couldn't resist licking some of it off his abs herself though, making Jongho shudder at just how erotic he found it. "Mmm," she hummed in delight, making him blush darkly and look away as she finished cleaning him. She cupped his cheek sweetly with her right hand, stroking his thigh with the other as she leaned in and gave his forehead a chaste kiss.

"You did really good, my pet. You made me proud. You took it exceptionally well for your first time," Jiwon praised. As she looked down at him. Jongho met her eyes with his own, loving gaze. His eyes sparkled with joy knowing he has pleased his mistress, a tiny, weak smile appearing on his tired face. He wanted it to end like this. To go back to her room, knowing she was proud of him, and cuddle her for a nap. Maybe have sex when he eventually wakes up.

"Thank you," Jongho said, leaning his face into her hand before his expressive, loving eyes became more pleading. "Then... can't we stop here? Please? End it on a good note?" He asked hopefully, but his mistress laughed cruelly in his face, withdrawing her hand.

"No." She said, adopting her dominant stance once more. "Listen, kitten. You broke so many rules. Some faults are more severe than others. I know you're new and inexperienced but you need to know, overpowering your mistress is not allowed. Cumming without permission is already a severe offense for me, but I would've been more lenient if you hadn't overpowered me like that. You made me cum against my will. You grabbed me roughly and fucked me so hard that I lost my strength to push you away. I warned you to stop and you disobeyed my direct order. I need to teach you a lesson. If you're to be my pet, you need to understand you can never do that again. On the rare occurrence that I might want one of my pets to dominate me, I will say so. Otherwise, if one of my pets acts the way you did, they will get a severe punishment. I'm being lenient with you, but I won't spare you of your lesson." She explained, to which Jongho nodded, understanding.

Even if he only overstepped a boundary because he was ignorant to it, she was right. After discussing the use of a safe word, she stopped every time he used it, respectful of his boundaries. But before that, 'stop' should've been a universal safe word. She had made sure to have his consent every step of the way, too, and he ignored her pleas to stop when he used her to get release. He finally understood why she insisted on delivering her final, most cruel punishment.

"You're right, mistress. I'm sorry. I'll accept my punishment," he promised, making her smile. "Good boy," she praised. "Can you stand?" She asked.

Jongho shrugged and tried to hop off the table onto his feet to find out. He winced as pain shot up his ass when he did, his knees buckling. Jiwon quickly caught him. He was surprised by her strength, as she was able to hold his dead weight and help him sit back down on the table.

"Mm, this won't do." She said, taking off her strap-on and leaving it on the table beside him. "Wait here," she said, before walking off.

Jongho hadn't noticed that the room had so many doors until Jiwon disappeared into one of them. It was so large after all. The walls were connected to give the room a circular shape. More accurately said, the room had ten walls, making the room shaped like a decagon. Among some of the walls were tools for torture, but in the middle of each wall was a heavy-looking metal door, of which Jongho had no idea which one the exit could be. They all looked the same.

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