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Disclaimer :
Boboiboy & kawan-kawan adalah milik Monsta


Caution :
Cerita ini mengandung unsur gender switch
Hargai penulis dengan tidak menghujat
Mohon memberikan kritik dan saran yang membangun
Nggak suka mending minggat okhey...


Main Character :

|| Halilintar Lei Thunderlight ||

|| 25th Years Old ||
|| Male ||
|| CEO of Thunderlight Corporation ||
|| 1st Son of Mr. Guntur Thunderlight and Mrs. Luna Thunderlight ||
|| Elder Brother of Solar Liuz Thunderlight ||


|| Taufan Farasha Cyclone ||
|| 21st Years Old ||
|| Female ||
|| 3rd Year Students of Surgeon Program Study, Medical Faculty at Elemental University ||
|| 2nd Daughter of Mr. Awan Cyclone and Mrs. Windy Cyclone ||
|| Younger Sister of Beliung Arva Cyclone ||


|| Ice Freezia Winterquake ||
|| 21st Years Old ||
|| Female ||
|| 3rd Year Students of Surgeon Program Study, Medical Faculty at Elememtal University) ||
|| 2nd Daughter of Mr. Amato Winterquake and Mrs. Mara Winterquake ||
|| Younger Sister of Gempa Earth Winterquake ||


|| Blaze Aidan Fireflame ||
|| 21st Years Old ||
|| Male ||
|| 3rd Year Students of Bussiness Program Study, Economic Faculty at ElementalUniversity ||
|| Only Child of Mr. Bara Fireflame and Mrs. Fira Fireflame ||


|| Solar Liuz Thunderlight ||
|| 20th Years Old ||
|| Male ||
|| 2nd Year Students of Pharmacy Program Study, Medical Faculty at Elemental University ||
|| 2nd Son of Mr. Guntur Thunderlight and Luna Thunderlight ||
|| Youngest Brother of Halilintar Lei Thunderlight ||


|| Thorn Laura Leafshield ||
|| 18th Years Old ||
|| Female ||
|| XII - MIPA - 1 (1st Year Students of Pulau Rintis Senior High School) ||
|| Only Daughter of Mr. Danu Leafshield and Mrs. Ratih Leafshield ||


|| Gempa Earth Winterquake ||
|| 25th Years Old ||
|| Male ||
|| CEO of Winterquake Incorporation ||
|| 1st Son of Mr. Amato Winterquake and Mrs. Mara Winterquake ||
|| Eldest Brother of Ice Freezia Winterwind ||


|| Beliung Arva Cyclone ||

|| 26th Years Old ||
|| Male ||
|| CEO of Arva Corporation ||
|| 1st Son of Mr. Awan Cyclone and Mrs. Windy Cyclone ||
|| Eldest Brother of Taufan Farasha Cyclone ||


|| Yaya Hannah ||
|| 25th Years Old ||
|| Female ||
|| Pediatric Doctor at Pulau Rintis International Hospital and Lecture of Pediatric Program Study, Medical Faculty at Elemental  University ||

CYCLONE CAFE || HALITAU [SLOW UPDATE]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang