Halloween Party (Oumeno)

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Warning! This is a lemon chapter!
Requested by @AlyaNadhirah1

"Let's get this party started!", exclaimed Miu as she popped open a champagne bottle. Everyone else cheered at her declaration. "About damn time", said Kokichi, filling up two cups with drinks. "Here you go, my dear", he said, giving the one cup to his girlfriend, Himiko. She took a sip, and tasted the alcohol in it. "What did you expect?", asked Kokichi upon reading her expression. "Miu was the one who threw this party after all." "As long as she didn't put alcohol in everything." "She isn't that crazy", said Kokichi.

"But hey, maybe you can use that wand and cast a little spell that gets rid of the alcohol." Himiko looked at her boyfriend with an annoyed look. "I'm not going to use my magic to ruin everyone else's fun. Also it's a scepter, not a wand." "The difference?", asked Kokichi with a smug grin. "You know what it is", hissed Himiko, only making her boyfriend giggle.

"You guys look so cute!", said Kaede who approached the couple with her boyfriend, Shuichi. She was referring to Kokichi and Himiko's costumes. Kokichi was a vampire with a top hat, while Himiko was dressed as a witch. "Who are you guys supposed to be?", Kokichi asked. "They're Cinderella and Prince Charming", said Himiko. Her boyfriend looked at Kaede and Shuichi, then realized she was right.

"By the way, Himiko", said Kaede. "Isn't that costume a little... mature?" The said girl looked down at her witch's costume, which indeed consisted of the kind of dress a saloon gal would wear.

"Don't worry", said Kokichi. He wrapped his cloak around Himiko from behind. "Nobody's touching her as long as I'm around." Himiko cringed at her boyfriend's comment. Not because of what he said, but because of the memory of how he confronted a guy who he thought was making a move on the redhead, only to get a hard punch to the face.

"I think I'll be fine, Kokichi", said Himiko. "Whatever you say", said Kokichi, snuggling his head into his lover's neck. "Well you two have fun", said Kaede as she pulled Shuichi along to another part of the room, leaving Kokichi and Himiko alone together.

"Kaede was right", said Kokichi. Himiko looked at him confused. "You're costume. It's very... sexy", he said, placing a kiss on the crook of her neck. "I don't think I'd be able to hold myself back." Himiko blushed at his comments.

"You two trying to get down?", asked Miu. "I've got a guest bedroom if you two wanna have some privacy." Himiko hid her face in her hands while Kokichi grinned at Miu's suggestion. "What do you say, Himi? Wanna go spend some quality time with your boyfriend?" "Stop it!", exclaimed Himiko as she slammed her fist onto Kokichi, who merely chuckled at his lover. "Finish your drink. Don't want it going to waste." Himiko puffed her cheeks and took a sip from her cup, while Kokichi could just laugh at her cuteness and place a kiss on her cheek.

. . .

The party continued to be enjoyable for everyone. Especially once Miu had suggested a game of spin the bottle. She and her friends all sat in a circle, with an empty beer bottle placed down in the center.

"Okay, here's the twist", began Miu. "If the bottle lands on you, you will be forced to do a dare." Everyone stared at each other mischievously at the suggestion. "Let us begin!" Miu spun the bottle until it pointed at Maki. "Maki! I dare you to french kiss Kaito!"

The said girl blushed at the dare. "Can't turn down the dare, Makiroll", said Kaito. Maki glared at Miu, knowing that she knew how Maki wasn't very expressive in public. But she sucked up her pride and, quite literally, smashed her lips into Kaito's. Everyone cheered her on until she stopped kissing Kaito after a whole minute. "Damn. You were really into it, too", said Ryoma. Maki blushed from embarrassment. "You should see her when we're alone", said Kaito. His girlfriend glared daggers at him, but he just smiled at her.

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