High School Reunion (Shincelty)

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"How is it going in their?", Shinra called out to his fiancée who was in the bathroom. He got a notification on his phone. A text message from Celty. "I'm almost done", it said. Shinra smiled and continued to wait patiently for his lovely future wife to finish her business in the bathroom.

The said dullahan inspected herself in the mirror, a feeling of nervousness washing over her. She shook her head, or at least look like she was doing so, to snap out of her insecure thoughts, then left the bathroom. Shinra looked her up and down, amazed by her beauty.

The woman was dressed in a pitch black halter dress that perfectly showed off all of her curves. Shinra had to stop himself from becoming aroused, which obviously proved to be a challenge. But then the doctor's attention diverted to the area where his lover's head was supposed to be. Her body language suggested that something was on her mind.

Celty felt her hand being cupped and lifted up by Shinra. "What's wrong?" The dullahan took her PDA and began to type out what she wanted to say.

"Do you think everyone will like me?" "Like you? They are going to love you!", said Shinra. Celty typed again. "Shinra, look at me. I'm not normal." "Neither was Shizuo when he went to that school. He still managed to have a good reputation. Heck, people thought I was pretty weird when I started hanging out with him. Also when I claimed that I was living with a dullahan." Celty was shocked. "Why would you tell them that?", she typed.

"Because I was trying to see how things would go. If Shizuo is capable of having super strength, then maybe everyone wouldn't think it was crazy to believe that dullahans exist. But they didn't believe me, obviously. That, and they didn't even know what a dullahan was." Celty typed on the PDA again. "Sorry you had to go through that." "Don't be. At least I wasn't bullied. Probably because I was hanging out with Shizuo most of the time." Shinra hugged his fiancée from the side. "But tonight, I will definitely show them!"

"That dullahans exist?", asked Celty on her PDA. "That, but mainly that a guy like me ended up with one of the most beautiful women in existence." If Celty had her head, she would be blushing. "On a third note, you are a celebrity in Ikebukuro. I'm sure everyone there would be pretty excited to meet the legendary Headless Rider." Celty thought about her fiancé's words, and had a little bit of her insecurities vanish. She typed on her PDA. "When you put it like that, I guess there really isn't a problem then?" Shinra smiled softly.

"You won't ever be a problem, Celty. Not to me, or anyone else." Celty rested her head on Shinra's shoulder. She typed on her PDA. "Let's go show those people how sexy your future wife is." "That's my girl", said Shinra. Before he was about to leave, Celty grabbed his arm. She showed him her PDA. "You're wearing that?" Shinra looked at his outfit. He took off his white coat. "Better?" Celty inspected him a bit. She shrugged. The couple joined hands and walked together out the door.

. . .

The building was packed with guests, decorated at its interior with music blasting through the speakers. Everyone looked on as they heard the sound of a motorcycle making its way into the driveway.

On the two wheeled vehicle was Shinra, holding onto Celty as she drove. The searched for a spot to park, until finding one and claiming it. The helmet on Shinra's head evaporated into black smoke, which retreated into the stump of Celty's head after she took off her helmet as well.

The couple approached the school, while everyone gawked at them. Whether it was because of Celty's absent head or the fact that she was a very attractive woman with a very nerdy guy like Shinra. Speaking of Shinra, he twirled around on his foot, and dramatically presented Celty to everyone. "Behold! The legendary Headless Rider, the dullahan spoke of during my time here, and my oh so lovely fiancée!" Some of the guest stared in awe, while some cringed at Shinra's performance. Celty on the other hand look down in embarrassment.

Shinra linked his arm with hers, and continued walking. "That was something", came a voice from behind the couple. They turned around and were met by Shizuo, who had Vorona by his side. "I'm also surprised Celty showed up." "If she hadn't, no one would know what a lucky man I am." Shinra tried to hug his lover while saying this, but found out she was now surrounded by the other former students of the high school, bombarded with questions. "Now she knows how I feel", said Vorona. Shinra looked at the Russian woman confused.

"Remember how every girl here was after me?", asked Shizuo. "Apparently they're jealous of Vorona." "The men as well", said the blonde. "They were stupid enough to try and pick a fight with you." "Well, it is flattering", said Shinra. He then walked toward Celty. "How are you doing, my dear?" The headless woman reached into her fiancé's pocket and took out her PDA.

"You look like your enjoying this a little too much", she typed. The doctor shrugged. His eyes widened upon hearing music beginning to play. "Looks like it is about that time. Care to dance?" Celty looked at the hand her lover offered, and took it. They couple moved to the dance floor, where they got into position.

Slow, calm music began playing on the speakers. Every couple swayed side to side to the rhythm, including Shinra and Celty. The dullahan could hear the people murmur in curiosity over her. She wanted to make a witty remark to her fiancé, but couldn't do that without her PDA. She didn't want to ruin the romantic mood she and Shinra were in currently. Luckily for her, the doctor began to speak.

"So? Are you actually having fun?" Celty shrugged her shoulders. "You will soon." Shinra lifted his hand over his lover's head and twirled her. She couldn't say it, but Celty was having fun. Even though they just arrived, she still had fun.

The two lovers then noticed a few people approaching them. "Hey, can we get a picture?", asked a woman that was in the group.

Shinra looked at Celty, who gave them confirmation. They all excitedly huddled together and snapped a picture of themselves, then thanked Celty. She reached into Shinra's pocket, taking out her PDA, and typing on it. "I am having a lot of fun. Thank you for this", it said. Shinra smiled, and watched as his fiancée created a mouth with her shadowy essence, which she used to place a kiss on the man's cheek.

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