Mom vs Dad (Touken)

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Kaneki closed the door of the car, but nearly stumbled to the ground from the bag of groceries in his arms. Luckily his wife was there to save him. "Here. Let me hold that", said Touka, taking the groceries from her husband's arm. "You can take Yuki." Kaneki walked to the other door, where he took out his infant son. "You're so strong, Mama", said Ichika, staring at her mother in awe.

"What about me?", asked Kaneki. "You almost fell, Daddy. And that was because you were holding that bag." Touka smirked at her husband, who felt a stab to his heart from his daughter's words. "I can be strong", he whimpered. "I'm just stronger, honey", said Touka as she walked into the house. While Kaneki looked down glumly, Yuki patted his head, almost as if he was comforting him.

"Daddy looks sad", said Ichika. "That's because he just found out that even after all these years, I can still kick his butt." "No you can't", said Kaneki. "I can still beat you in other things." "Like?" The white haired man tried to think about something, before realizing that his wife was right: she can beat him in anything. "I had to marry a tomboy", he mumbled. "What was that?", asked Touka.

"Nothing!", said her husband, placing his son down onto the floor for him to crawl. "It's okay, Ken. You don't have to be great at everything. Also, if I remember correctly, Ichika only said that I was stronger than you. Not better." Then, a lightbulb lit up in Kaneki's head. "That's it! Strength!" The family looked in confusion at their patriarch. "Care to elaborate?", said Touka.

Kaneki crossed his arms and looked at his wife with a cocky grin. "You say you're stronger than me, right? How about we test that theory." "And how will we do that?", asked Touka, resting her hands on her hips. "Just a friendly set of games. That's all." Touka sighed. "All this just to see if you're stronger than me?" "Yes. Why? Are you turning the challenge down? That's not like you, Touka." The said woman scoffed. "Okay, then. Challenge accepted", she said, offering her hand. Kaneki took it, and shook it. "Let us begin then."

. . .

Kaneki sat down by the table, watching his wife stretch her arms a bit before taking a seat across from him. "You ready?" The white haired man rested his arm on the table and wiggled his fingers. Touka grabbed it, then stared at her husband with determination. "Three... two... one!" Both lovers tightened their grips on one another's hands, and began to attempt slamming one or the other onto the table.

Ichika hugged her mother's bicep and silently cheered her on. Yuki sat beside his father, just staring at his family and their antics. Touka started to struggle a bit. Her body shook a bit, with a tick appearing on her wrist. Kaneki didn't look it, but he was struggling too. A droplet of sweat slowly trickled down the side of his head. "Looks like you're having trouble", he said to his lover. "Guess you weren't as strong as I thought." "Shut up", said Touka in a strained voice while still trying to push her husband's hand down.

Pain was slowly making itself known in the woman's shoulder, the same going for her husband. "The fact I'm still standing must mean that I'm stronger, huh?", asked Kaneki. "Don't get cocky", said Touka with a strained voice. "I still need to beat you." "Same here I guess."

The couple continued to arm wrestle, going until one of them gave in.

Kaneki's eyes widened upon feeling his arm lowering to the side, realizing that his wife was close to beating him. He tried to regain the winning hand, no pun intended, but failed to do so. Before he knew it, the back of his hand struck the table. Ichika threw her hands in the air and cheered.

"You did it Mama! You did it!", said the little girl as she practically jumped in celebration. Touka walked over to her husband and put a hand on his shoulder. "Better luck next time, hon", she said before placing a kiss on his cheek. She then walked over to Yuki and picked him up. "I think it's about time this little guy had his lunch." "I'll go make it", said Kaneki as he walked to the kitchen.

. . .

Kaneki slowly lowered his son into the crib. He then walked to his daughter who was in bed, leaning in and placing a kiss on her forehead. "Good night, Ichika." "Night, Papa", said Ichika as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. Kaneki walked out the door, seeing Touka waiting for him with a smile on her face.

"You might not be stronger than me", she said. "But there is at least one thing you are good at." "And that would be?", asked Kaneki. "Being a dad", said Touka, placing a kiss on the white haired man's cheek.

There were some things to question about that statement, but Kaneki remained silent. He knew his wife was just trying to make him feel better, and it was working. "Well, I wouldn't be such a great dad without a beautiful wife to be the mother." Touka smiled and allowed her lover to rest his arms on her sides and give her a deep kiss.

"Oh, and another thing you're good at", continued Touka. Kaneki tilted his head, ready to hear what she has to say. "Cuddling. Now let's get to bed. Mama needs her man wrapped around her."

The couple then walked to their bedroom together, sharing a light laugh.

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